
Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter

Update: 78 year-old shooting accident victim Harry Whittington is out of surgery.

A friend who has talked to family members said that Mr. Whittington was hit by about 50 birdshot pellets. He underwent surgery Sunday morning to remove some of the pellets, and doctors have told his family that the shot apparently did not damage any major organs.

[Harry's daughter] got to see her father Sunday afternoon after the surgery. Of her father's face, she said, "It looks like chicken pox, kind of." She said that he was sitting up telling jokes. "He is so lucky, it's a miracle," she said.

The Dallas News says, " It's not the first time the vice president's hunts have resulted in controversy." And President Bush once had his own shooting mistake: [Corrected, it was Bush not Cheney who made the following hunting mistake.]

In 1994, when he was running for governor against then-incumbent Ann Richards, Mr. Bush went dove hunting for the cameras in Hockley, northwest of Houston, and shot what he thought was a dove. The one bird he did hit turned out to be the protected killdeer. He reported the incident to the local game warden and paid a $130 fine.

Whittington is in the intensive care unit.

Hunting accidents are rare in Texas, primarily because hunters have to take mandatory hunting education classes, if they are born after 1971. Hunting accidents by older hunters are on the rise, however -- possibly because they are not required to take the classes. Has Cheney ever taken one?

Cheney "sprayed" 78 year old lawyer Harry Whittington with shotgun pellets, requiring an emergency trip to the hospital via ambulance.

As to an charges being filed, don't hold your breath:

Because these types of events are classified as "accidents," said John Rao, TPWD game warden, no charges are filed.

Drinking is rarely involved in the accidents.

Alcohol was a factor in only two of the 101 total hunting accidents reported during the past three years, TPWD records show.

What about an investigation? Is that foregone as well, since hunting shootings are presumed by the Game Warden to be accidents?

Original Post: (2:00 pm)

VP Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded a fellow hunter yesterday during a quail-hunting trip at the Armstrong ranch in Texas. The property is owned by Katherine Armstrong.

Armstrong said Cheney turned to shoot a bird and accidentally hit Whittington.

Ms. Armstrong is a lobbyist.

In 2004 she reported three Texas lobby contracts, led by construction company Parsons Technology and Dannenbaum Engineering, a major contractor for Texas water projects. That year she teamed up with Pioneer Karen Johnson to lobby the Bush administration. Armstrong and Johnson lobbied then-Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman to adopt mad-cow tests made by Swiss client Prionics. They also lobbied the administration on undisclosed issued on behalf of Baker Botts (see James Baker, Robert Jordan and William Barnett). President Bush invited Katherine Armstrong and her parents to a White House sleepover.

Katharine is the daughter of Tobin and Anne Armstrong.covert actions on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under Reagan.

A veteran of blue-chip corporate boards, Anne Armstrong was a Halliburton director when that corporation hired Cheney. She is Kay Bailey Hutchison's best friend, having helped launch the senator's career as Republican National Committee co-chair in 1971. George W. Bush appointed Anne Armstrong as a Texas A&M regent in 1997. She and her husband were part of Laura Bush's delegation to the funeral of Queen Mother Elizabeth in 2002.

In recent years, Tobin and his wife, Anne, have hosted many GOP dignitaries--including the first and second President Bush--on their 50,000-acre Armstrong Ranch in South Texas. "We go out when the dew is still on the grass, and then hunt until we shoot our limit," Tobin said in 2000 of his ranch outings with Dick Cheney. "Then we pick a fine spot and have a wild game picnic lunch." True conservatives might choke on their javelina steaks if they knew that Tobin Armstrong dunned the government for $11,336 in farm subsidies between 1995 and 2002, according to the Environmental Working Group. Anne Armstrong served as: a close advisor to President Nixon; President Ford's British Ambassador; and approved

Bump and Update: Will Cheney face charges over the shooting? Even though he didn't intend to shoot Mr. Whitman, was he reckless or criminally negligent?

Tex. Penal Code § 6.03

© A person acts recklessly, or is reckless, with respect to circumstances surrounding his conduct or the result of his conduct when he is aware of but consciously disregards a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the circumstances exist or the result will occur. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that its disregard constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary person would exercise under all the circumstances as viewed from the actor's standpoint.

(d) A person acts with criminal negligence, or is criminally negligent, with respect to circumstances surrounding his conduct or the result of his conduct when he ought to be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the circumstances exist or the result will occur. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that the failure to perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary person would exercise under all the circumstances as viewed from the actor's standpoint.

Translation, according to Lewis v. State and Moore v. State:

"Reckless conduct . . . involves conscious risk creation, that is, the actor is aware of the risk surrounding his conduct or the results thereof, but consciously disregards that risk. Criminal negligence . . . involves inattentive risk creation, that is, the actor ought to be aware of the risk surrounding his conduct or the results thereof. At the heart of reckless conduct is conscious disregard of the risk created by the actor's conduct; the key to criminal negligence is found in the failure of the actor to perceive the risk."

More news here.

Armstrong said Whittington was mostly injured on his right side, with the pellets hitting his cheek, neck and chest...."

...Armstrong said she was watching from a car while Cheney, Whittington and another hunter got out of the vehicle to shot at a covey of quail late afternoon on Saturday. Whittington shot a bird and went to look for it in the tall grass, while Cheney and the third hunter walked to another spot and found a second covey.

Whittington "came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter and didn't signal them or indicate to them or announce himself," Armstrong told the Associated Press in an interview. "The vice president didn't see him," she continued. "The covey flushed and the vice president picked out a bird and was following it and shot. And by god, Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good."

...This is something that happens from time to time. You now, I've been peppered pretty well myself," said Armstrong.

Update: Here's the first photo of the shooting victim. [link fixed.]

Update: Why did Cheney's office wait a day before reporting the shooting to the media? Bush, Andrew Card and Karl Rove knew about it Saturday.

Digby says it doesn't pass the smell test. Firedoglake asks if Dick will survive? I'm waiting for Crooks and Liars to get the video.

New threads here and here.

[Graphic created exclusively for TalkLeft by CL.]

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    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#1)
    by ras on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 01:21:30 PM EST
    Lawyer Season hasn't started for this year, yet? Aw, shoot! BTW, was Whittington also a lobbyist? I mean, Cheney could end up like Yossarian: does he get a conviction or a medal? To hell with them lobbying reforms, just get your shotgun and blast the varmints.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 01:31:05 PM EST
    Whitman is not a lobbyist. He has been a Republican Appointee (public servant) and is currently suing the city of Austin over eminent domain. link link

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#3)
    by Che's Lounge on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 01:40:49 PM EST
    So that's what super rich, war mongering, genocidal maniacs do on their weekends off. How nice. For them that is. Not the quail. As to Mr. Whittington, well, shot happens.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 01:49:49 PM EST
    Hunt with evil, die by evil.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#5)
    by roy on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 01:57:47 PM EST
    There's a joke to be made here about Republicans and gun control.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#6)
    by pigwiggle on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 02:03:29 PM EST
    Anyone who has hunted quail knows the potential for this kind of thing. A couple of years ago I was hunting upland game with a seasoned Marine. The guy had seen action in Iraq; he knew his way around close quarter combat. Well, he 'sprayed' several of the hunting party, myself included. That's just the danger of that kind of hunting. Will he be charge? Pfftht ... good lord, you folks are desperate.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 02:24:23 PM EST
    not a straight shooter.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 02:36:07 PM EST
    The marine " knew his way around close quarter combat" but still managed to spray you all with shot? That is the inherent danger, as "anyone who has hunted quail [in other words GOP manly men] knows the potential for this kind of thing"? What a joke. Including the part about "upland game". Wingnuts are ugly human beings, right to the core. There is nothing quite so pathetic as a bunch of wingnuts with their beer guts hanging over their belts blasting away at canned game -- farm raised quail, ducks, and whatever; released right in front of their guns so that they get to feel like mighty white hunters. Well, accept the other variety of wingnut with their cheetoes and their kiddy porn in their mother's basement. As for Cheney, what can one say that hasn't been already said about that worthless fascist waste of diseased protoplasm.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 02:45:42 PM EST
    pw: That's just the danger of that kind of hunting. I guess that's your experience. Mine is that the risk in quail hunting is largely determined by how your hunting partner prioritizes the objectives of (1) kill quail, and (2) don't shoot partner. People get shot hunting quail all the time, but that doesn't mean that the guy who shot them wasn't reckless. And if Texas has a law against recklessness or negligence, then the presence or absence of those should be determined. Then the prosecutors can decide what to do with the case.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#10)
    by squeaky on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 03:31:45 PM EST
    Even though he didn't intend to shoot Mr. Whitman, was he reckless or criminally negligent?
    The answer to these questions is an unequivocal yes, as that is his normal behavior. The question really is will he be charged or commended for taking a break from his very busy schedule to get some quality time R&R. We have seen the dangerous effects that long hours and overwork by WH officials can wreak on America. Libby committed perjury because he was overworked. Who knows what other damage they did because they are all so over worked. Good thing for America that Cheney took some R&R and only shot a fellow Republican. He did it for America and National Security. The Judge will certainly understand. We are at war.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#11)
    by ras on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 03:36:17 PM EST
    The jokes about this are w-a-y better on the Rightie sites. You guys need more singing & dancing in your lives.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#12)
    by scarshapedstar on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 03:36:43 PM EST
    Armstrong said Cheney turned to shoot a bird and accidentally hit Whittington.
    Unless Whittington was flying, I gotta wonder about our Vice Dear Leader.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#13)
    by scarshapedstar on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 03:45:46 PM EST
    Lawyer Season hasn't started for this year, yet? Aw, shoot!
    Waka waka! Unconfirmed reports indicate that peerless yuckster ras then attended an NAACP meeting in blackface with a noose around his neck.
    The jokes about this are w-a-y better on the Rightie sites.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#14)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 03:46:53 PM EST
    frankly, whenever one bloodthirsty hunter shoots another bloodthirsty hunter, it warms my heart. i think ac/dc put it well when they sang 'if you want blood.... you got it!'

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#15)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 03:48:44 PM EST
    Peppered? Here in LA we call it assault with a deadly weapon.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#16)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 03:51:02 PM EST
    Will he be charge? Pfftht ... good lord, you folks are desperate. Typical of this administration: Ready, fire, aim.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#17)
    by Steven Sanderson on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 04:18:21 PM EST
    Just another case of collateral damage. We don't keep track of that.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#18)
    by Darryl Pearce on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 04:27:55 PM EST
    ...heh-heh. "Shot" happens. ...ewbuoy.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#19)
    by pigwiggle on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 04:51:37 PM EST
    "Wingnuts are ugly human beings, right to the core. There is nothing quite so pathetic as a bunch of wingnuts ..."
    I don't know; call me cynical but I think a presidential hopeful courting southern liberals by parading dead waterfowl is fairly disgusting. I guess it depends on whose bull and whose doing the goring ....
    "What a joke. Including the part about "upland game"."
    Well, you are clever; acerbic 'wit' and all. I shudder to think of the next post. Let me guess, my pants are on fire maybe?

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#20)
    by pigwiggle on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 04:52:06 PM EST
    "I guess that's your experience. Mine is that the risk in quail hunting is largely determined by how your hunting partner prioritizes the objectives of ... People get shot hunting quail all the time, but that doesn't mean that the guy who shot them wasn't reckless."
    I don't know what upland game is like in your state, but where I hunt is primed for an accident. Long uphill draws filled with 8 ft wild roses and other scrub. I hunt with some very responsible folks, but it is an inherently dangerous activity. Like much of the things we do; I wear a helmet when I ski, a seat belt when I drive, I don't free climb, and I don't fire my gun when I don't know where my hunting party is. But accidents happen, like some dude who is supposed to be elsewhere sidles up behind you just as you flush a covey of quail. I don't see this as much different than a screw up in any of the previous mentioned activities; a fender bender, hitting a tree on skies, and so forth. Except ...
    Will he be charge? Pfftht ... good lord, you folks are desperate. Typical of this administration: Ready, fire, aim.
    ... a putative defense (but I guess more important, liberal) web site salivating over the possibility of the VP getting some legal hassles. Like I said before; whose bull, and whose goring it.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#21)
    by jen on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 04:54:59 PM EST
    Oh I definately think there is a joke in Bush's vice president hunting Quayle

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#22)
    by rdandrea on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 05:03:05 PM EST
    punisher wrote:
    if Texas has a law against recklessness or negligence, then the presence or absence of those should be determined. Then the prosecutors can decide what to do with the case.
    No, no, no. If the Vice President does it, it's lega1!

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#23)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 05:20:43 PM EST
    Whittington had walked up without announced himself.
    According to those present, Whittington was reckless. Maybe he's the one who should be investigated.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#25)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 06:04:31 PM EST
    too bad whittington didn't return fire!

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#26)
    by joejoejoe on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 06:05:38 PM EST
    There is more on the relevant hunting regulations in this Daily Kos diary: Did Cheney have a VALID Texas hunting license? My quick take is that Cheney was required to have a hunting license but not required to take the hunting education course. As for Cheney not being at fault that is ridiculous. A safe 'zone of fire' is 45 degrees when swinging a shotgun to a target. Cheney either shot someone pretty much directly in front of him or swung wildly and fired irresponsibly. There is no 'he snuck up on me' excuse. It's recreational sport hunting, not Vietnam.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#24)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 06:20:18 PM EST

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#27)
    by DonS on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 06:24:49 PM EST
    Hey Joe, thanks for the practical read. I live in hunting country but am not one myself. Real hunters have little patience for this sort of thing I'm sure. Of course, for the thugs, anything is authorized under executive power, and let the chips. or buckshot, fly where it may.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#28)
    by Edger on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 06:37:24 PM EST
    Maybe he was just practicing, or maybe he missed... After all, didn't the DoJ just the other day claim that the president, and I assume that means the Veep too, can order killings of US citizens on American soil? Texas, and of course the Bellvue Hospital for the Criminally Insane, are both still in the US I think, aren't they? "Get out of our way or we'll kill you!"

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#29)
    by Johnny on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 07:06:57 PM EST
    I have been hunting before. Accidents only occur when at least one, but sometimes both, of the parties involved have their head in a rectal-cranial inversion. Cheney has been hunting for many years (he even comes to my state to shoot pheasants laws-a-mercy! greatness enters!) The people I have inter-acted with that have had the dubious distinction of assiting him and his entourage on these trips give all indications that he is a responsible gun owner. Accidents happen, even to seasoned hunters. (It pains me to not be able to give both barrels to Dick, but oh well. His accomplishments in his full-time job are enough fodder;))

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#30)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 07:28:55 PM EST
    This was not "accidentally" what about his deals with the Red Chinese internet gang? do you know who old dick cheney is dealing with? how about all the poor people put in prison becuase of old "dick" cheney? think that is nuts start to do some looking at what is happening inside Red China! and see who is helping to put freedom people inside the hell of chinese's prison! you will understand what dick and bush have in plan for you.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#31)
    by squeaky on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 08:10:08 PM EST
    The intrepid josh marshall smelled something funny about the whole affair. Armstorng "gave a highly exculpatory recounting of what transpired" to the AP 24 hours after the event. No big deal..happens all the time ...he only got shot in the face. Well josh is now reporting this:
    But more than a day later the victim, Harry Whittington, is still in the intensive care unit emphasis mine josh marshall

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#32)
    by squeaky on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 08:28:07 PM EST
    Josh asked his hunting readers to give their opinion as to whether Armsrtong's account is plausible. As PW commented above accidents do happen as all agree. One thing that also is agreed on by those who responded to josh's querry is this
    ...when you're hunting and you hit a person -- that's your fault. Period. End of story. Outside of extreme cases of negligence or self-destructive behavior on the part of the victim, it's not his fault. You're responsible, as the shooter, for knowing no person is in your line of fire before you pull the trigger. So this stuff about Whittington being at fault for the accident just doesn't wash for any of the hunters we've heard from. emphasis mine BTW accidents happen
    ... but when it happens it's a matter or carelessness and/or recklessness on the part of the shooter and it involves ignores some of the most basic rules of gun safety.
    hmmm... are we surprised? josh marshall

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#33)
    by squeaky on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 08:41:37 PM EST
    jane Hamisher asks a good question
    PS: Any Texas law enforcement types out there who know what the procedure is following a gunshot accident? Especially with regard to testing for drugs and alcohol. No explaination as to why the guy was shot at 5:30 pm but wasn't admitted to the hospital until 8:15 pm even though he was seriously injured.
    Cheney drunk with a shotgun in his hand after all the stuff about how the executives can do whatever they damn well please, as they are the law. Not a pretty picture.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#34)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 08:47:13 PM EST
    How can anyone be surprised by this? Here's a thought as to perhaps why Cheney and the White House waited 24 hours before admitting to this shooting incident. Could this be a Chappaquiddick moment for the vice president? Could there have been a bit of alcoholic imbibing, and Cheney needed to sober up, in case a blood test was taken?

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#35)
    by roy on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 09:09:03 PM EST
    Does William of Ockham not appear in Liberal editions of the encyclopedia?

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#37)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 09:41:18 PM EST
    Some have asked about "law" enforcement: Katherine Armstrong is the head of the Texas Park and Wildlife Agency, which issues hunting licenses and regulates hunting. That was the "lady" who was at the scene. As far as Kenedy County, don't expect much for the sheriff. And, there is a post office in Armstrong Texas, but oddly Armstrong does not show up on the Google Map - zip code 78338. Neither does the county seat in Sarita. If you look hard at the sat photos, you just might pick up the 4000 foot runway at Armstrong Ranch. The population of the entire county is 414 with 138 occupied housing units. The county is south of Corpus Christie in that big open space next to the Gulf and the Padre Island National Seashore. But, the County went for Kerry!!! I sees that the Ranch is on Route 77 between Kingsville to the North and Raymondville to the South. Brownsville and Mexico is just South of Raymondville. Kenedy County has a nice Courthouse in Sarita. Let's see if the sheriff will take on the powerful. Armstrong can be found on Mapquest south of Sarita. Mapquest shows hat is it 111 miles south of Corpus Christie so that was a good ride in the ambulance with buckshot in the cheeks - unless they helicoptered him out. County Courthouse Sarita, TX 78385-0037 Phone: (361)294-5220 Fax: (361)294-5218

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#38)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 09:54:55 PM EST
    16-22 hour delay in reporting this news? VP Dick Cheney's ChappaquidDick

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#39)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 10:00:21 PM EST
    This is going to be one of the finest jokes of 2006. Sure, I feel sorry for the guy he shot. But I bet there are more fatalities done by this man, and you all have the evidence that my mind is lacking. I'm glad to be on this bastion of left-wing conversation. Yes, gun control is looking less silly, isn't it?

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#40)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 10:06:13 PM EST
    Ross -- Yes, if only that guy had returned fire. And if only Rick Santorum would then take the bullet for Cheney. He, he, he Sorry to prioritize Santorum over Cheney. I'm biased -- I'm a gay-rights supporting, pro-choicer (and proud of it) But just to make you foreign policy liberals happy (because I love all you liberals) I promise that I will prescribe Cheney suicide medication (labeled, "Smarties Candy"...)

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#41)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 11:14:53 PM EST
    I can't say this really means anything but it raised my eyebrows. Remember Funeralgate. It seems Whittington had a major role in Funeralgate. While Bush was governor of Texas an employee of the Texas Funeral Commission was fired because of pressure she was putting on a corrupt funeral home, SCI. SCI went to Joe Allbaugh and said make her stop and he did. She was fired. This company was doing things like hiring illegal Mexican immigrants to embalm bodies as a cost cutting measure. Bush stated under sworn testimony that he never talked to anyone at the Funeral Commission or with SCI about the matter. It came to the point in May's lawsuit though where it looked as if Bush perjured himself in the testimony. Cheney's shooting victim Whittington was appointed head of the Funeral Commission in 1999 and he quietly settled the lawsuit. Ex-funeral agency chief settles suit 11/09/2001 The Dallas Morning News http://www.bushwatch.com/gravedigger.htm AUSTIN - A former state funeral home regulator who said she was wrongfully fired for investigating a large funeral home chain operated by a longtime family friend ofGeorge W. Bush has settled her 2-year-old whistleblower lawsuit for $210,000. (...) Harry Whittington of Austin, who was named presiding officer of the Funeral Service Commission after a major shakeup of agency in 1999, said his board reluctantly agreed to pay $50,000 as part of the settlement to end the 2-year-old case.... Small world? It just strikes me as strange that the one guy who probably would know if Bush perjured himself back then winds up getting shot by Cheney. I suppose it would be far fetched to wonder if Cheney wasn't trying to lean on Whittington for some backup dirt in case Bush & Rove try unload some (near) dead weight and decide to throw him to the wolves. Not why he shot him, mind you (Oh but wouldn't that be something if Cheney did go all Tony Soprano on him. lol) but why he was down there hunting with him in the first place as Senators on both sides of the aisle have just started calling for an investigation into his ordering the leaking of classified info.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#42)
    by Che's Lounge on Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 11:49:41 PM EST
    "Leave the gun. Take the canoli"

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#43)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 01:11:37 AM EST
    Jeralyn, possibly see various points I made Saturday afternoon here, in the addenda.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#44)
    by jimakaPPJ on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 05:55:43 AM EST
    et al - Take a little time off for some poker and dinner and the Veep starts shooting people. Hunting quail in scrub is akin to playing Russian Roulette. But bird shot is rarely fatal unless you are very close. Biggest fear is eye damage. Best non-Internet joke heard this morning. "Hope the guy isn't a Democrat. They'll investiage forever." eLad - The young lady drowned and Kennedy, by all reports, had consumed enough alchol to be DUI. Just a wee bit of difference, eh? zorster - We have a non-fatal hunting accident. What's to "take-on?" I mean it's not like he was getting his hair cut in Airforce 1 on the end of the runway at LAX..... slowing down the whole US air traffic system.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#45)
    by jimakaPPJ on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 05:57:46 AM EST
    et al - Take a little time off for some poker and dinner and the Veep starts shooting people. Hunting quail in scrub is akin to playing Russian Roulette. But bird shot is rarely fatal unless you are very close. Biggest fear is eye damage. Best non-Internet joke heard this morning. "Hope the guy isn't a Democrat. They'll investigate forever." eLad - The young lady drowned and Kennedy, by all reports, had consumed enough alchol to be DUI. Just a wee bit of difference, eh? zorster - We have a non-fatal hunting accident. What's to "take-on?" I mean it's not like he was getting his hair cut in Airforce 1 on the end of the runway at LAX..... slowing down the whole US air traffic system.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#46)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 07:11:51 AM EST
    I am second to no man in my disgust and disdain for this administration. They are evil, incompetent, and deserve to be rotting in jail. But lawyers -- according to Jeralyn the only profession qualified for high office -- ought to be careful with their accusations or they make themselves look ridiculous. You say this was not Cheney's first shooting mistake -- and back it up by citing an event when Bush was doing the shooting! Not good form. It may very well be Cheney's hundreth shooting mistake. I don't really know, but take the time to find a real one.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#47)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 07:12:09 AM EST
    ppj:Best non-Internet joke heard this morning. "Hope the guy isn't a Democrat. They'll investigate forever." and its corollary, "good thing it wasn't Clinton who shot the guy, they'd investigate forever."

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#48)
    by squeaky on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 07:12:49 AM EST
    ppj-Your kinda guy. Shoot someone, call it biz as usual, and blame the victim. Sounds like ppj.

    Re: Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter (none / 0) (#49)
    by Peaches on Mon Feb 13, 2006 at 07:40:45 AM EST