
Alito: Can We Send Him Back to New Jersey?

Republican Lincoln Chafee will vote against Alito but for cloture. Too bad. Lieberman has not yet decided on cloture, despite what CNN said. Call or fax his office now.

Jeffords will vote against cloture. Keep those calls and faxes to all who oppose Alito, particularly those in the Gang of 14, now. It's not over till it's over.

Let's send Judge Alito back to New Jersey. Numbers are below the fold, thanks to Reddhedd and Armando who are way out in front on this:

The Gang of 14 includes:

* John S. McCain III, Arizona * Lindsey O. Graham, South Carolina * John Warner, Virginia * Olympia Snowe, Maine * Susan M. Collins, Maine * R. Michael DeWine, Ohio * Lincoln Chafee, Rhode Island

* Joseph I. Lieberman, Connecticut * Robert C. Byrd, West Virginia * E. Benjamin Nelson, Nebraska * Mary Landrieu, Louisiana * Daniel Inouye, Hawaii * Mark Pryor, Arkansas * Ken Salazar, Colorado

Armando says:

The only Senators of interest here are those who have announced themselves as No votes. Their names are marked in italics. The rest SUPPORT Alito so they are not doing anything that is inconsistent.

Here are phone numbers for Senate offices for Senators who either haven't announced a position or who are still a little shaky -- or who haven't spoken about how they will vote on cloture.

Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D- AR), 202-224-4843
Joseph I. Lieberman (D- CT), 202-224-4041
Thomas R. Carper (D- DE), 202-224-2441
Daniel K. Inouye (D- HI), 202-224-3934
Tom Harkin (D- IA), 202-224-3254 (Says he will abstain on cloture -- if Harkin is your Senator, tell him thank you. Carrots are as important as sticks.)
Evan Bayh (D- IN), 202-224-5623
Barbara A. Mikulski (D- MD), 202-224-4654
Carl Levin (D- MI), 202-224-6221
Mark Dayton (D- MN), 202-224-3244
Max Baucus (D- MT), 202-224-2651
Frank Lautenberg (D- NJ), 202-224-3224
Jeff Bingaman (D- NM), 202-224-5521
Jack Reed (D- RI), 202-224-4642
Maria Cantwell (D- WA), 202-224-3441
Patty Murray (D- WA), 202-224-2621
Herb Kohl (D- WI), 202-224-5653
John D. Rockefeller, IV (D- WV), 202-224-6472
Robert C. Byrd (D-WV), 202-224-3954
James M. Jeffords (I- VT), 202-224-5141
Bill Nelson (D- FL), 202-224-5274
Daniel K. Akaka (D- HI), 202-224-6361
Mary Landrieu (D- LA), 202-224-5824
Byron L. Dorgan (D- ND), 202-224-2551
Olympia Snowe (R- ME), 202-224-5344

[Graphic created exclusively for TalkLeft by CL.]

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    Re: Alito: Can We Send Him Back to New Jersey? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Jan 30, 2006 at 11:54:23 AM EST
    Still for Alito Byrd, Robert D (202)224-3954 Nelson, Ben D (202)224-6551 (202)228-0012 Johnson , Tim D (202) 224-5842

    Re: Alito: Can We Send Him Back to New Jersey? (none / 0) (#2)
    by ras on Mon Jan 30, 2006 at 11:55:36 AM EST
    It looks like the filibuster threat is just a big pose at this point, aimed at the wilfully gullible. I like Alito myself, and dislike filibusters on principle. But if I felt about both the way the Left does, I'd at least want my so-called representatives either to fight or to tell me why they won't, rather than see them take a dive on cue in the 2nd round and call it a moral victory. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they really will fight after all - their base is willing - but I doubt it. Congratulations to Justice Alito.

    Re: Alito: Can We Send Him Back to New Jersey? (none / 0) (#3)
    by Slado on Mon Jan 30, 2006 at 12:26:02 PM EST
    I welcome the fight because it will put a giant torpedo in whatever chance the democrats had to take back the house and Senate. That being said if the dems do chicken out is the left willing to back up their uproar and not vote for democrats who didn't go the extra mile? Or is the "base" as week kneed as the senators that represent them? Just asking. When the president tried to pull a fast one with Myers the republican base went inot an uproar and the Senators listened. Will the Democrats?