
Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over Alito?

Update: The commenters at Daily Kos are pretty sure this is a hoax post. If so, I'll be taking it down entirely.

A poster at Daily Kos reports on a telephone conversation he had with a staffer in Colorado Senator Ken Salazar's office when he called to ask that Salazar join the filibuster against Judge Sam Alito. Here's part of what the poster reports:

If he's so worried about this extreme judge, what's his problem with supporting a filibuster? I asked the staffer that, and then something happened that blew my f**king mind.

He hesitated for a moment, and then said the following:

"I understand your concerns and I feel the same way. The truth is that Senator Salazar has come to a compromise with Dr. James Dobson about an ongoing feud between them. Dr. Dobson has agreed to stop mentioning Senator Salazar in a negative context if he refuses to filibuster Samuel Alito."

I was stunned and speechless, so all I could say was, "What?"

The staffer went on:

"I'm sorry, but that's the truth, and that's why this is my last day working for Senator Salazar."

If this is accurate, it's beyond shocking. Senator Salazar must be asked to confirm or deny it. His phone number is (202) 224-5852.

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    This seems to be bogus. Chk. the comment section for the skeptics... Don't know though, smells fishy.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#2)
    by Doctor G on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 06:21:22 PM EST
    I just called, and the voice mailbox is full. I'm tired of electing Democrats who turn out to be Republicans.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#3)
    by jimcee on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 06:37:06 PM EST
    James Dobson effecting a Dems vote? Psshaw... This is why TDKOS is a rather dubious site to go to for any information. If it is true what does that say about the cheapness of Democrats votes. Dobson's followers wouldn't vote for a Democrat even if you threatened to crucify them (and they would probably be willing as long as it was televised). Sounds like some treachery is about in the Democratic party. Dirty rumours and innuendo abound. Et tu Brut? Heck, why would Salazar listen to Dobson when even most Republicans ignore his nonsense? Sounds like b*llsh*t to me but believe it if you want. This is a reason the the Daily Kos is poison for the Dems and the Left in general. Chose your poison.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#4)
    by ras on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 06:47:03 PM EST
    Jimcee, What's interesting is how readily this story is being propogated on the scantiest of "evidence," if you can even call it that. Conveniently, it also enables the Dems to blame their upcoming loss on a scapregoat, with an evil conservative secretly pulling the puppet strings. Blame the Other! It's so much easier than just saying "we failed and we have no one to blame but ourselves."

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#5)
    by squeaky on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 06:47:43 PM EST
    The comments over at kos are overwhelmingly negative about this post. Most think it is total bs. The most convincing one was regarding the time of the post
    Look at what time the diary was posted!  6:12 MST.  Salazar's offices in DC have long since been closed, and I can bet you the excrutiating task of reading through one Fungus on the Family's press releases that Salazar's Colorado offices closed right at 5pm.  So unless this person is a really slow typist, they did not JUST get off the phone.   Join me in Denver for Drinking Liberally. by johne on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:09:41 PM PDT
    Also the diarist has i not defended him/her self in the comments section.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#6)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 06:47:55 PM EST
    Whether or not this particular anecdote is true doesn't matter; if fiction, then like many fictions it represents for us important truths about where we are politically. Salazar has never made any bones about being a right wing Democrat. Nobody except those morons over at Fox News ever confused him liberalism. And jimcee, I have no doubt but that Salazar, like almost every other high-profile Democrat, campaigns with Dobson's fan base very much in mind, even as he more quietly implies to the right Corporate people that they will get what they want from him as well. The whole American political system is so broken it's almost comical to vote, and that's why I will never again bother with it: the politicans are corrupt panderers with regard neither for individual liberty nor basic human decency, and the actual voting public seems far, far worse.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#7)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 06:49:04 PM EST
    I don't know what Salazar did, or didn't do. But I bet his staff will have a jolly old time in the morning, if not at this very moment. In the meantime, of course, Salazar will not change his vote because to do so will open him up to charges that he is afraid of and controlled by the folks at Kos.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#8)
    by ras on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 06:49:40 PM EST
    Squeaky, Good on you for questioning authority. Would that others did not repeat such rumors so readily.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#9)
    by jimcee on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 06:50:57 PM EST
    On Sen Salazar's site he says he won't vote for Alito and explains why. So someone (confidentially) told the wholly unreliable KOS that he quit because Dobson swayed the Salazar confirmation vote? Prehaps there are other reasons why his source quit the Salazar group. If Salazar votes for Alito TDK gains some creds, if not well that wouldn't be much of a suprise. I guess we'll see in the next few days.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#10)
    by squeaky on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 06:53:58 PM EST
    I have no doubt but that Salazar, like almost every other high-profile Democrat, campaigns with Dobson's fan base very much in mind,
    He, according to commenters at kos, reguarly slams Dobson, and when he does his poll ratings go up. I do not understand your point. I also know squat about Salazar, so I am a bit confused here.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#11)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:03:44 PM EST
    Squeaky: I challenge you or anyone else to link me to a speech of any kind where Senator Salazar "slammed" James Dobson. Perhaps I have missed it, and will happily recant if directed to it. Claims by posters at KOS do not count as evidence though.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#12)
    by jimcee on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:06:29 PM EST
    Glanton, If you've given up hope and refuse to vote then I guess we'll share Molotov Cocktails all around. Cheers! I guess. Just vote for the lesser of the evils presented to you, Otherwise you're just going to have to start hording supplies, gathering weaponry, raising and slaughtering your own critters and getting odd glances from your more sociable neighbors. The grocerery is by far the better option. Just don't give up. Vote, it is easy. You lose? Keep working for your cause and keep voting. Raise your kids, buy your land, raise your crops or, er make your Molotov Cocktails (figurativly I hope). In one phrase: Don't give up or in, just give it a try. Just Vote. Oh, and LIVE.....

    glanton, they have had a long running feud ever since Salazar referred to Dobson's group as the Anti-Christ.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#14)
    by squeaky on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:09:55 PM EST
    glanton-put down your dukes. I have thing at stake here. Just trying to understand the controversy. I will check over at kos comments to see if the commenters posted links.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#15)
    by MikeDitto on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:17:02 PM EST
    This has to be BS. I doubt Salazar would even talk to Dobson about anything at all after Dobson had his followers picketing Salazar's wife's Dairy Queen after the whole Antichrist debacle. I'm not a huge fan of Salazar's, but one thing I'm pretty sure of is that he would never strike any kind of deal with Dobson. Then again, McCain (also no friend of Dobson) struck a deal with the devil, which is why I say "pretty sure" instead of "absolutely sure."

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#16)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:17:18 PM EST
    Thanx, TL. I recant but feel compelled to providea telling piece of the text you linked, so that we can better understand the nature of the feud:
    The remark, which Mr. Salazar later retracted, comes at the apex of a feud between the first-term Democrat and the powerful evangelical Christian organization over the group's campaign to pressure Senate Democrats into allowing a floor vote on Mr. Bush's judicial nominees.
    Okay, so he got mad because Dobson was haranguing him, and spoke out of passion on the radio, and then retracted his vitriole as soon as possible. What would be really refreshing would be some Democrats that spoke the truth about such people and thens tuck to their guns and then actually stood up for progressive ideas in this nation instead of continuing to treat the Dobson base as if it merits consideration. But those Democrats are pretty rare. The rarity is reflected in the fact that Hillary Clinton is considered "far left" by Washington standards. Pro Patriot Act, ever willing to compsomise on gay rights and reproductive rights and privacy and freedom of expression in general, Pro Iraq War, Pro Tax Cuts for the Wealthy During War. Such is the stuff today's "left wing [American] harpies" are made of. You guys can stick by them if you want. The "D" by their names requires nothing of me.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#17)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:20:44 PM EST
    jimcee, You seem like a good guy. I appreciate very much the fact that you encourage me to vote even though you pull against the people I've been voting for. That says a lot. I try to do the same thing with my students: I begged them to go out and vote in 2004, even though I knew that 80% of them were going straight ticket GOP. But really, enough is enough. The Vonnegut principle of being kind is about the only social responsibility I feel anymore. Lesser of two evils is a popular way of describing a fixed game. Just because I don't wish to play in a fixed game doesn't mean I need to withdraw into the wilderness. It just means I don't want to play it anymore than I want to buy lottery tickets at the gas station.

    Glanton, I challenge you to google before you choke on your foot. I'm tired of having people explain things they could look up quicker....
    I challenge you or anyone else to link me to a speech of any kind where Senator Salazar "slammed" James Dobson. Perhaps I have missed it, and will happily recant if directed to it. Claims by posters at KOS do not count as evidence though.

    Rocky Mountain News: Salazar Says Focus on Family Aims to Create Theocracy in U.S. Salazar lets fly Focus on Family aims to create theocracy in U.S., senator says By M.E. Sprengelmeyer, Rocky Mountain News April 22, 2005 WASHINGTON - Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo., intensified his war of words with Focus on the Family on Thursday, accusing its evangelical Christian leaders of trying to turn the United States into a theocracy. "I think that the way Focus on the Family and the conservative right wing is attempting to take the country will threaten the basic cornerstone of our freedom," Salazar said in an interview. The back and forth between the state's new senator and one of the nation's most powerful evangelical groups was touched off by the fight over President Bush's judicial nominations. But it has escalated into a brawl in which the sides are trading shots over whether the U.S. Senate is anti-Christian and whether Focus on the Family is anti-Catholic. A political arm of the Colorado Springs-based ministry has mounted an aggressive ad campaign against Salazar and senators from 15 states. It is pressuring them to scrap filibuster rules that have allowed Democrats to block a handful of controversial judicial nominations. Salazar, a Democrat and lifelong Catholic, blasted the ads on Wednesday, saying Focus on the Family was "hijacking" Christianity and becoming an appendage of the Republican Party. The ministry reaches millions of evangelical Christians through the leadership of its founder, James Dobson. "I think the kind of attack that is being used against (Democratic senators) and against me has the potential of moving our country to abandoning the freedom of worship which we enjoy in this country, and moving toward the creation of a theocracy," Salazar said. After his first verbal barrage on Wednesday, a Focus on the Family spokesman said Salazar was aligning himself with Democratic senators who allegedly showed an anti-Catholic bias in rejecting one of the appeals court nominees, former Alabama attorney general William Pryor. Salazar responded Thursday with a terse letter to Dobson. In it, he defended Senate colleagues of various faiths, and he called on Dobson to repudiate a Focus board member who once referred to Catholicism as "a false church."

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#19)
    by squeaky on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:21:48 PM EST
    Glanton-I mixed up the comment a bit but it amounts to the same. They do not like each other and regularly feud according to this commenter.
    As a Coloradoan (or Coloradan--I've seen both), I'm skeptical of this.  Every time there's an article about Dobson taking on Salazar, the man's approval rating climbs, even among the activists who are otherwise deeply uncomfortable with Salazar's moderate stances on many issues.  (Salazar is buddy-buddy with AG Gonzales, remember.)  So it would seem to actually be against his interests to strike a deal with Dobson. I'll call his office tomorrow and see if I can get a denial though.  I was going to do it anyway to take him to task for saying no to filibuster. G by grophly on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:15:49 PM PDT

    Everyone... Got Goooogle? No? Get it.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#21)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:46:17 PM EST
    he defended Senate colleagues of various faiths, and he called on Dobson to repudiate a Focus board member who once referred to Catholicism as "a false church."
    This is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. Hey, I know, let's all puff out our chests and see who can out faith whom. Or whatever. Salazar and other Democrats are not angry that the GOP postures and preens with big professions of faith; they are mad because the GOP tries to deny them the ability to do the same thing. Such is the calibar of the Democratic Party today. When being a big-talkin' believer is a prerequisite for high office, in 2006, that says a lot about your electorate right there. I told you guys the voters were worse than the politicos.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#22)
    by squeaky on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 07:52:15 PM EST
    Looks more and more like malicious dis-information, possibly coming out of Dobson's group. Taken on face value people would be jamming the phone lines just to scream at Salazar. The Diarist, seoguy, over at at kos has only one other diary (post) and it is also about Dobson. Very weird. A google link about Dobson beating his dog. And looking for support to spread the word. His webpage rightwingdouchbag.com is empty and looks as if it has never been used. here is the dog beating post. All sounds fishy to me. link

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#23)
    by Doctor G on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 08:10:49 PM EST
    Voicemail still full, so I left the following at http://salazar.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm When we know that President Bush has not violated FISA, has not lied America into war, and has not ordered or countenanced torture, then we should consider his nominees. Until then, they should be filibustered. Every one. I understand you plan to vote against Alito. Good. So show some courage and filibuster too, or you might as well vote yes, and I might as well have not voted for you.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#24)
    by Lora on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 08:51:47 PM EST
    Consider this before you get all self-righteous with Salazar and other Democrats, whether or not the Kos post is true. Quote from Salazar on the Denver Post web site: "After being relentlessly attacked in telephone calls, emails, newspapers and radio stations all across Colorado, having my faith questioned, and having my wife's business picketed as part of these attacks..." As I've suggested in a couple of posts here, being on the receiving end of the right wing attack machine is devastating. Calling politicians spineless and cowardly who have to run this gauntlet is the same thing as blaming the victim. Your name is dragged through the mud and your family is targeted too. How many of us could stand it? I had a friend get some of her emails put on a website that were mildly embarrassing, mattering only to a very small crowd. She needed a medical leave. How would you hold up to this kind of viciousness?

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#25)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 09:02:30 PM EST
    Lora, I'd say these blue blooded millionaires vying for power over others ought to be able to handle a good drubbing whether they deserve it or not. If they can't handle it they're definitely in the wrong business. I don't feel any sorrier for Salazar's wife than I do for Sam Alito's wife; but your post is an example of why pundits like Brit Hume can say the Democrats' questioning "drove Mrs. Alito to tears," and so on. Spineless aint even the half of it anyway. It's a matter of priorities. I'd rather have a Senator fighting for health care and privacy rights and adequately funded education than a Senator fighting back to clear his good name as a Christian.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#26)
    by Lora on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 09:11:47 PM EST
    Glanton, It's an unequal fight; it's dirty pool. Yes if you can't take the heat, etc...but the swiftboating style of the right wing is vicious and uncalled for. Politicians are human too. I'm not defending Salazar's politics, I'm just saying he didn't deserve that. No one does. And please. Alito's hearings were quite gentle overall. And absolutely Nobody attacked poor Mrs. Alito. She took it upon herself to get up and run out. Nobody directed any comments to her at all. Not even a loose comparison, not by a long shot.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#27)
    by jimcee on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 09:14:26 PM EST
    Glanton, I would hope your students don't become Vonnegutarians (Is that an apt reference?) because we will all be doomed to a post apocliptic world. By the way the best Vonnegut novel IMHO is God Bless You Mr Rosewater, because it is his most perfect study of humanity. Either way if you don't vote towards your opinion it is one less vote in that direction. Democracy is a rather slow thing but the best things in life, whether material or socialogicial/political are often the best way to go. Quick fixes are often crummy. I'll refer to mid 20th century European fascisim. Studing history and the arts reveal more than all the modern media combined. Funny how that works.

    Lets say this post is true, hypothetically, can someone explain to me why it would be unnacceptable for Salazar to make a this deal with Dobson, while Jesse Jackson has made a living out of shaking down conservatives with bad press. I mean atleast an explanation other than the obvious, the Dems are the ones getting shaken down this time. Also how would this deal be any different than lets say a few pro-choice interest groups bying a few senators contributing to a couple MA senators in order to buy a fillibuster of Alito. The answer is clear, there is no difference, its about influence peddling, and unfortunately its one of the only constants in our political universe.

    Re: Did Salazar Make a Deal With James Dobson Over (none / 0) (#29)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 09:38:05 PM EST
    Lora you write:
    And please. Alito's he