
DeLay Trailing in Texas Race

Reuters reports that Tom DeLay is trailing in his Texas race for re-election to the House.

Embattled Republican Tom DeLay trails a Democratic challenger for his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives and is viewed favorably by only 28 percent of people questioned in a poll of his Houston area district, the Houston Chronicle said in its online edition on Saturday. The survey of 560 registered voters conducted Tuesday through Thursday found 30 percent favored former U.S. Rep. Nick Lampson, a Democrat, compared with 22 percent for DeLay, who has represented the district for 22 years.

The Houston Chronicle reports on a poll finding that only half the people who voted for him in 2004 would do so again in 2006.

Overall, about a third blame DeLay's troubles on his own behavior, and a fourth blame "a culture of corruption in Washington."

One more indictment -- such as over the Abramoff embroglio-- and I say he's toast. [graphic created exclusively for TalkLeft by CL.)

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    Re: DeLay Trailing in Texas Race (none / 0) (#1)
    by Johnny on Sun Jan 15, 2006 at 09:05:00 AM EST