
Bush's Uninspired Appointments

The Times UK First Post has an excellent analysis of George Bush today. His uninspired appointments are indicative of a President who has run out of energy.

Having won two presidential elections and fought two unending wars, President Bush has run out of energy. Instead of the bouncing enthusiasm of happier days, his subdued manner indicates a loss of interest in the presidency itself, a desire to go home and rest.

He also has no honorable exit.

If he were a British prime minister, the House of Commons would sense his exhaustion inducing one his colleagues to claim the office, allowing him to retreat to the back benches, until the inevitable elevation to the House of Lords.

But an American president who has had enough of power and its travails has no honourable exit from the White House and is condemned to serve out the balance of his four years. Any grand plans not yet achieved must be quietly shelved, and no new policy initiatives of significance can be launched.

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    Re: Bush's Uninspired Appointments (none / 0) (#1)
    by Ernesto Del Mundo on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:35 PM EST
    We need a recall election. A lot of people who voted for him last t