
Oil Profits

by TChris

An economics professor believes oil companies gouged consumers when gas prices soared in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Eight governors have asked the oil president to investigate his oily industry buddies:

"When the wholesale price of gas went up by 60 cents almost overnight, oil companies were obviously using the most devastating natural disaster in our nation's history to reap a windfall at the expense of American consumers," said the letter, which was initiated by Gov. James E. Doyle of Wisconsin and was signed by governors from Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington.

The governors would also like Congress to enact legislation requiring the oil companies to disgorge their excessive profits.

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    Re: Oil Profits (none / 0) (#1)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:08 PM EST
    Not to mention the insurance money they got to make them whole from the Gulf Disaster. Two wholes make a....and this little piggy had roast beef and ran all the way home.