
As the GOP Turns

Don't miss Arianna today on how the GOP intends to turn Katrina to their benefit:

Two weeks in, Katrina has turned into an all-you-can-eat-right-wing-policy buffet.

And, as is so often the case with these tireless champions of crony capitalism, the main course at this opportunistic smorgasbord is “privatization”. And the target du jour is FEMA. The subtext is that the Katrina debacle somehow proves that disaster relief is no business for the government and should be turned over to the Halliburtons of the world (after all, they’ve done such a great job supplying our troops and reconstructing Iraq, right?).

Of course, FEMA’s Katrina failures have far less to do with some inherent big government bugaboos than with the way Bush and the partisan hacks he installed there turned a successful, widely-praised cabinet level agency (one that then-Gov. George Bush took time to praise in a debate with Al Gore in 2000) into a denuded and incompetently managed after-thought.

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    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#1)
    by john horse on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    I'm sure that the Bush administration will blame this on government bureaucracy or government red tape. One minor problem with this. They had a free hand to set up the Department of Homeland Security (which FEMA is part of) the way they wanted. According to White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Homeland Security was created in their image. As far as hiring political hacks is concerned, here are the facts. "In 2000, 40 percent of the top FEMA jobs were held by career workers who rose through the ranks of the agency, including chief of staff. By 2004, that figure was down to less than 19 percent..." Finally, lets not forget another reason that FEMA performed so poorly. As Eric Alterman points out, the Bush administration "has looted the coffers of government with his profligate spending and tax-cuts for the rich."

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    Give 'em some credit. They did protected the region from gay marriage.

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    The conservative mantra that "government isn't the solution, government is the problem" is invariably uttered by politicians whose governments are the problem. Government is NOT the problem: Bush's government is the problem. Privatizing FEMA means privatizing national defense. The Bush administration lost libertarians ages ago. When you begin privatizing national defense like this, it becomes the unaccountable business of mercenaries. We've seen this happening. The privatization of national defense marks the descent into fascism. Privatization invariably means robbing from the public: in virtually every case where the government has handed some lucrative enterprise over to business, the taxpayer paid for its development. Would you invest in a corporation, if the return on your capital investment was the opportunity to purchase goods and services as a consumer? This is the deal the government gives the public, under the rhetoric of privatization. And even when this abysmal economics is explained to some people, they don't find it unreasonable--perhaps because there is an instinct to be servile. Reagan was ultimately the victim of his own policies of privatization: stem-cell research that might have been effectively federally funded, and that might have helped him, was banned outright. "But if the federal government doesn't fund X, some private concern will." But without an equilibrium, such economic assertions, common among conservatives, are inconsistent. And this overlooks the problem of the commons.

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    Bush the MBA president obviously went to the Ken Lay School of Business -now he pretending he doesn't know anything about FEMA and the people who worked there

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#5)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    Privatizing FEMA means privatizing disaster relief and management of rescue operations. Surely no one is now cynical enough, given the incredible bungling of the past two weeks, to NOT understand and believe that privatization makes perfect sense, since the local and state authorities proved totally incompetent in responding to the Katrina catastrophe, and left those least able to help themselves to go without water, food, and rescue. It is now clear that only a private organization with established knowledge and large scale operation logistical skill bases such as Halliburton, for example, can be relied upon to provide the necessary expertise. The profit motive will drive timely, competent, compassionate, and response, and save lives. And the fact the people will have to pay for their own rescue is not in any way a concern. "Hi, you're in good hands with FEMA, Inc.... we're here to save you. We understand your house and property is underwater, and you haven't had any water or food for 4 days, have no money and can't pay." "No problem, just sign here..."

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#6)
    by Molly Bloom on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    I concur with all of the opinions expressed above. Government is inept when the elected officials running the government is inept. It should always be kep in mind that the GOP doesn't like the federal Government, it doesn't believe in the federal government and as a consequence, when given the chance, the GOP doesn't govern very well. It wasn't always this way, but sonewhere along the way, the GOP gave up on the concept of "good government" and they don't much bother with trying. Its easier for them to live down to our worst fears and expectations of government rather than live up to our best hopes and demands for effective government. More to the point of the current situation: when inept failed former businessmen leaders appoint inept failed former International Arabian Horse lawyers, based upon the dubious qualification of being the college roommate of a Haliburton looter as department heads, what the hell can we the people expect?!

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:44 PM EST
    Maybe the GOP missed the proclomation that only the Democrats and radical leftists were allowed to say anything about Katrina and its aftermath. What has the left been doing for the past two weeks but excusing every Democrat who had any responsibility in this matter and pushing the concept that Bush is to blame for everything? Maybe you think he's capable of creating natural disasters, but I don't give him that much credit. And what is the claim that there is a racial line to this whole thing if not a blatant attempt at securing the black vote for 2006 and 2008? You want to blame Bush for the abandonment of all those black people by a black Mayor who simply failed to put his own emergency plans into effect until it was too late. Is it any wonder the Democrats keep losing elections when this is the kind of logic you employ to prove them superior?

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    Just paul Why is it you guys seem to attack those who ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING and then have the nerve to defend those who stood by and did nothing? Your doing the same thing your ilk did to Kerry. The Mayor of NOLA and the GOV of LA were there, in the thick of it. They weren't on Vacation or AWOL. The Preznit announced a STATE OF EMERGENCY yet like the Coward he showed him self to be during the Viet Nam Conflict. He sat back and did nothing and let other die.

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#9)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    Republican-style "privatization" is not a small government solution. It is corporate welfare. It is big government with unaccountable corporations taking the place of unaccountable agencies. Going "small government" means state and local agencies taking responsibility for state and local issues like hurricanes. Not taking money from people in Montana to give to Halliburton for work in Louisiana. Or, go Libertarian, and "let the market decide" whose services to use instead of letting the (Vice) President decide.

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#10)
    by swingvote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    Ed, Get a grip on reality. What did the Mayor of New Orleans do other than declare an evacuation when it was already too late to get everyone out and then sit back and fail to offer the assistance to those in need of it that his emergency plans required him to offer? And please note, I'm not defending Bush or anyone here. I'm simply pointing out that when every wangnut and left-wing demagouge jumps on this and starts screaming inanities like "racism" over a natural disaster, you can only expect the Republicans to respond with their own spin and excuses. That's life in the world of the permanent campaign and it's hardly suprising, or even noteworthy. I know that Democrats in general do not believe in personal responsibility, unless the responsible person is alleged to be a Republican, but the fact remains than the Governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans share a significant portion of the responsibility for those people who were left stranded. The total unwillingess of those here and throughout the leftist spectrum to even admit that simply convinces anyone with an open mind that you are not at all interested in reality; you are seeking partisan gain out of this disaster, which is exactly what Jeralyn seems to be saying is wrong when the Republicans are accused of doing it. Go ahead and continue believing that no one sees through your rhetoric and lies. In the end, it may serve a purpose if enough people get fed up with both parties to throw them out entirely. It well past the time we tried something new anyway.

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#11)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    unjustpaul-I'm not defending Bush or anyone here. Ha, ha, ha, , ha, tee hee, ho ho. Know thyself.

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#12)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    justpaul: Maybe you think he's capable of creating natural disasters... From Wikipedia:
    As a rhetorical term, "straw man" describes a point of view that was created in order to be easily defeated in argument; the creator of a "straw man" argument does not accurately reflect the best arguments of his or her opponents, but instead sidesteps or mischaracterizes them so as to make the opposing view appear weak or ridiculous.

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#13)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    Justpaul Squeaky speaks eloquently for me! "Ha, ha, ha, , ha, tee hee, ho ho. Know thyself."

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#14)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    In the end, it may serve a purpose if enough people get fed up with both parties to throw them out entirely. It well past the time we tried something new anyway.
    Every now and then jewels emerge from the piles of BS and acrimony we throw at each other, sometimes inadvertently. Your statement is one of them... (no sarcasm intended)

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#15)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    jpaul, edger...well said. Enough of our little petty political victories, the sooner we realize the GOP and the DNC are two heads of the same self-serving broken beast, the better we will be.

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#16)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    The profit motive will drive timely, competent, compassionate, and response, and save lives.
    Thank you for choosing FEMA-burton, for all your emergency management needs. FEMA-burton: the right choice.* *Emergency preparedness and response subject to shareholder approval.

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#17)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    Mac Lane:
    Thank you for choosing FEMA-burton, for all your emergency management needs. FEMA-burton: the right choice.*
    Hey... Nice ring to it! Has Halliburton's PR dept. called you yet, to offer you a position? ;-)

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#18)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:45 PM EST
    Its easier for them to live down to our worst fears and expectations of government rather than live up to our best hopes and demands for effective government.
    Who was it that said "Speak, or get the government you deserve"

    Re: As the GOP Turns (none / 0) (#19)
    by wishful on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:46 PM EST
    Imagine: the fleet "Your Government" is comprised of three vessels. The "Local" is a canoe with a captain, a few oarsmen, and standard canoe equipment. The "State" is a nice powered boat with a captain, a good-sized crew, and standard-to-better equipment. The "Federal" is a huge ship, well stocked and manned, with nearly unlimited resources, and the ability to call in almost any backup required on a moment's notice. The whole fleet is in a large body of water, which is full of drowning people. All three captains have agreements with each other regarding emergency situations like this, where the first responder is the canoe, second is the boat, and third is the ship. What should the captain of the ship do about the drowning people all around him in the case where the two "lesser" captains are thought to be incompetent by the ship's captain, whether it is true or not? Oh, one other thing: the drowning people have a standing agreement with the entire fleet to respond in just such an emergency, regardless of how the captains decide to divy up the tasks needed to execute this duty. The drowning people's side of the bargain is, among other things, to keep paying the fleet for this service, whether or not the service is ever actually used.