
Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to Get On With His Life

The President should know better than to speak without a teleprompter and prepared script by now. His off-the-cuff comments show his true nature. Leaving for a bike ride at the ranch today,

Bush said he is aware of the anti-war sentiments of Cindy Sheehan and others who have joined her protest near the Bush ranch. "But whether it be here or in Washington or anywhere else, there's somebody who has got something to say to the president, that's part of the job," Bush said on the ranch. "And I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say."

"But," he added, "I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life."

The comments came prior to a bike ride on the ranch with journalists and aides. It also came as the crowd of protesters grew in support of Sheehan, the California mother who came here Aug. 6 demanding to talk to Bush about the death of her son Casey. Sheehan arrived earlier in the week with about a half dozen supporters. As of yesterday (Saturday) there were about 300 anti-war protesters and approximately 100 people supporting the Bush Administration. In addition to the two-hour bike ride, Bush's Saturday schedule included an evening Little League Baseball playoff game, a lunch meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a nap, some fishing and some reading. "I think the people want the president to be in a position to make good, crisp decisions and to stay healthy," he said when asked about bike riding while a grieving mom wanted to speak with him. "And part of my being is to be outside exercising."

[Via Atrios. Digby has more.]

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  • This fits perfectly with the comments from Sheehan about her concern with Bush's disconnectness from reality. It's like he's talking about not exercising enough or choosing the wrong breakfast ceral. Or maybe he's just a sociopath; or a child. B

    Bush is the most visible cog in a long-established machine. One in which blood goes in and money comes out. Find out where the 200 billion dollars went to and you will have a good idea who is really pushing the policy. I am still amazed that they got such a lousy spokesman for all their money. But I guess you have to have zero conscience in order to do the job, and the really effective speakers have a functioning brain that contains at least a smidgen of conscience. Apparently this fella burned that part of his brain away with cocaine and booze many years ago, so it fell upon him to be the one.

    Even after a few years of coaching, Bush isn't as accomplished as Cheney at making unreasonable statements sound reasonable. So, in a moment unrehearsed candor, we find Bush confiding that he needs to put the death of Cindy Sheehan's son behind him, so that he can get on with his life. After all, dwelling on this tragedy would hardly lay the foundation for putting more deaths behind him, as he gets on with his life.

    Shrub is a strong contender for being the most selfish and self-centered jerk that's ever lived. And when you add his other personal traits to the mix you've got to wonder how such a disgusting creature could ever be supported by anyone who has even a trace of humanity in them.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#5)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:20 PM EST
    According to John Dean's application of Political scientist James David Barber's The Presidential Character: Predicting Performance in the White House he is a sociopath and TL quote of Shrub confirms it.

    You know, he could still go quietly take a nap, and do all that other stuff he wants to do... and still meet with Cindy Sheehan. I don't think anyone would say he shouldn't take care of his own health. But those comments he made are indeed unfortunate. However, I don't think they were unintentional. He's saying, "You people aren't gonna put me off my feed. You people aren't gonna harsh my mellow." It's yet another version of "I don't listen to polls."

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#7)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:20 PM EST
    And, he hates his job but no one is going to stop him from doing the job he believes he was elected to do (delusional). A dangerous combo in a leader as Barber points out. From Dean:
    Active/negative evaluate themselves "with respect to virtue." They view their actions (if not the world) as being good or bad. Their "perfectionistic conscience" provides no room for growth through experience, for they expect themselves to be good at all they undertake. Their ethics result in "denial of self-gratification," for these men see themselves as self-sacrificing rather than self-rewarding. They are "concerned with controlling [their] aggression … reining in [their] anger." They are also uniquely stubborn men, who become more rigid and inflexible as they proceed, for they become caught up in their own self-righteousness. And as Barber says, they mask their decisions not to budge, their rigidity, in whatever rhetoric is necessary, so that they can ride the tiger to the end. They also are our most secretive presidents. Failure by these presidents is predictable because their flawed perceptions are often risky, they are gamblers, and their rigidity can easily plunge the nation into a tragedy. With such presidents there is always "the potential for grievous harm," Barber warns, observing that while the nation has survived several such presidents, this is "cold comfort to those individuals and families who suffered for what these Presidents did." Barber admonishes that when we find ourselves with an active/negative president, we have a situation that cannot be ignored -- for all such presidents are potentially dangerous.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#8)
    by john horse on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:20 PM EST
    Boohoo for Bush. Many times when people talk about "going on with (your) life", they have suffered from some personal tragedy. It is something you would expect Bush would say to Mrs. Sheehan (that is if he would ever bother to meet with her), not something to describe his own situation. What Bush is saying is that he, not Mrs. Sheehan, is the victim. I guess I didn't realize how tough it must be to ignore the mother of a soldier killed in combat.

    Their "Beautiful Minds". the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree in the Bush clan. this comment from Chimpy is more or less the same that came out of Bar's piehole not long ago regarding the deaths of U.S. military personnel in Iraq; "why should I trouble my beautiful mind?" or some such elitist tripe. again, BushCo ARE the elitists here.. it's obvious.

    Two things (at least) wrong with this application of Broder's analysis. One, Bush is a vote-fraud. He hasn't won EITHER of the elections that made him President. We have had very few such grossly stolen elections, mainly because it only became possible to steal elections on the 'electronic scale' within the last ten years. Two, the reason why he was put into power was to grease the advent of the Cheney/USPNAC/FEMA conspiracy. "A Second Pearl Harbor," "Mission Accomplished," the genocide of Iraq well underway, fifteen new airbases in Iraq, ten new airbases in Afghanistan (where the Cheney/Tajik-Pak pipeline runs on its way to the Gulf), a new HUGE airbase in Qatar, and plans to attack Iran -- Bush is far more than a bad president with a bad psychological state. He is an ACUTE threat to life on earth. Yes, a sociopath, who has taken advantage of the lingering racism and 'lust for simplistic ideas' that is the unhappy state of much of the electorate, in order to well and truly SCAROO the United States back into the Dark Ages of elite power without limit. The cosy relationship with (oh, they couldn't be stolen) the election cycle continues to trick people into leaving such a traitor in power, when we should in fact be tearing down the walls that protect him, put him on trial, expose his larceny and treason, and get back to democracy -- before it is too late. What is going to happen is truly awful. And the R party is mainly to blame, for they KNOW he is a traitor, but they love the power too much to care about the rights of the rest of us.

    The President's incomprehensible words regarding Cindy Sheeha illustrate only one of the four types of Bush gaffes. "I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life." To learn about all four kinds of Bush malapropisms, see: "Bush on Sheehan and Other W Words of Wisdom"

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#12)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:20 PM EST
    Paul- That is what the Barber Test predicts for Smirk in his second term: Armegggedon, Disaster. Danger. Active Negative type like Nixon. Hates to work but is driven. That type would be likely to have diebold working for him before he was elected.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#13)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:20 PM EST
    Cindy Sheehan is being made into a criminal by the jihad media and the insane mumbo-jumbo coming our of bush is funny and sad. and let us not forget her son died for a new kind of islamic republic under the so called control of our great empire. terrorism anyone? sad.sad.sad.world, watch and see what is going to happen to her soon, can we say "prison" don't listen to the outrageous propaganda its being orchestrated by bush and business. but remeber bush can always make a really good trade agreement and send her to the south america drug dealer.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#14)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:20 PM EST
    Armando at kos posed this question: What Happens If Cindy Sheehan Goes to Washington, D.C.?

    you know it's funny for the amount of cons there are in the television news media, get on the net with words like Bush and Indecisive and you find all sorts of friends! now I am going to add socio path who truly IS disconnected from humanity and humility. basically he is stating that he has better things to do. I think that he has yet to mature emotionally and mentally. if he ever will. would somebody PLEASE IMPEACH that rotten bastard!? I cannot stand my life under this fascist regime.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#16)
    by Kitt on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    You have to go and read this from a young man's grandmother.
    "One by one, Marines in dress uniforms stepped forward yesterday to give a final, formal, white-gloved salute to Lance Cpl. Chase Johnson Comley.......But on Friday, Comley's grandmother, 80-year-old Geraldine Comley of Versailles, described herself in an interview as a former Republican stalwart who is "on a rampage" against the president and the war.
    Chase Comley'aunt wrote an editorial in the Lexington Herald. "He is number 1,828, 1,829 or 1,830. We don't know for sure, because so many died last week...." Notwithstanding their incredible grief, they speak no truer words.

    Chase Comley'aunt wrote an editorial in the Lexington Herald. "He is number 1,828, 1,829 or 1,830. We don't know for sure, because so many died last week...."
    Missy Comley Beattie's editorial is noble, as is the vigil of Cathy Sheehan. But Bush must put the great and noble, the Cathy Sheehans and the Missy Comley Beatties of the world and their deceased relatives behind him, so he can get on with his oleaginous life.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#18)
    by cpinva on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    now guys, i think you're being overly harsh on the boy. i certainly understand his need to get on with his life, so do we all. it would, however, be nice if young casey sheehan, and his fellow fallen comrades, could get on with their lives as well.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#19)
    by desertswine on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    Another confusing day for President Monkey Boy.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#20)
    by Repack Rider on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    A "balanced life" for the president means that the amount of vacation time is balanced by an equal amount of recreation. I still don't understand why every blue collar worker in America didn't abandon Bush when he claimed that presidentin' is "hard work." That suggests that he knows what hard work actually is, when there is no evidence of any taking place at any time during his life.

    Posted by Squeaky: "Active Negative type like Nixon." This is a grossly general hypothesis with far too few terms. I don't see how this sort of asserted personality disorder is needed to note that a reactionary coup hired a dynastic sociopath to run its conspiracy to subvert the Constitution. It doesn't take a personality test to see that this guy is a DISASTER.

    "But," he added, "I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life."
    The Zen master. I think I'm beginning to like the guy.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#23)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    Steven Sanderson writes:
    Shrub is a strong contender for being the most selfish and self-centered jerk that's ever lived.
    Why should he meet with someone who says?
    "You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism," Sheehan declares. Sheehan, who is asking for a second meeting with President Bush, says defiantly: "My son was killed in 2004. I am not paying my taxes for 2004. You killed my son, George Bush, and I don't owe you a penny...you give my son back and I'll pay my taxes. Come after me (for back taxes) and we'll put this war on trial."
    Link Can anyone here tell me that any positive results would come from meeting with Mrs. Sheehan? This has turned into a forum for the Left, not a protest over the loss of her son.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#24)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    Grade A USDA choice arsehole.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#27)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    Ernie - No, Bush wouldn't have to explain. You seem to have this vision that when face to face with her he would just faint away. What would happen, and this is why Bush won't meet with her, is that a meeting would only feed her ego, the hysteria of the Left and and the panting eagerness of the media for any story that attacks the war and makes the country look bad. The media, after all, must protect the country, mustn't it? She would emerge from the meeting, tell everyone how she demanded Bush do this and Bush do that, and he, of course, couldn't defend himself because she has wrapped herself in a shield provided by her dead son. DA - How's the reading class coming? Have you now figured out how many trips Wilson made to Niger? ;-) et al - Since she has decided to quit paying taxes perhaps she will also quit driving on our roads, as well as the other assorted things paid for by our taxes, including national defense. BTW - Did any of you catch the neighbor's comments? That ole boy isn't happy. I think his point was that five weeks is enough. Go home people. Leave us alone. But then it is merely his property rights, and as was said in the 60's: Food is.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#28)
    by pigwiggle on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    Look for the left, or rather the folks the left votes for, to distance themselves from this woman; she’s becoming toxic. Can you imagine Senator Byrd’s replacement campaigning alongside ads of him sympathizing with Sheehan? And this against a veteran who served in Iraq. I can see it now; “[democratic candidate so and so] agrees with those who believe Hiram Lewis risked his life in an ‘illegal war for oil’ and fought for a commander in chief that is a ‘war criminal’ and should be impeached. Is this the kind of far left democrat you want representing West Virginia?” How about Bill Nelson, you think he wants to get within camera shot of Sheehan? Katherine Harris’s folks would love to run with that. And what about Clinton; well, never mind, she is looking for the 2008 republican nomination, right?

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#29)
    by theologicus on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    The President should know better than to speak without a teleprompter and prepared script by now Somebody turned off the little box under the back of his coat.

    she’s becoming toxic.
    Yeah, toxic to Bush. Have you taken a look at his war support poll numbers lately? Nice to see you still are tucked safely into your rightwing echo chamber.

    couldn't defend himself because she has wrapped herself in a shield provided by her dead son.
    PPJ...You can join pigwiggle in the "I can't think for myself so I repeat talking points approved by the RNC" camp. This woman's son is dead. She is not insane. She just wants to know what the noble cause he supposedly died for is. QUICK! Without looking at the Fox News website...tell us what that noble cause was.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#33)
    by pigwiggle on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    Ernesto- The irony of a liberal accusing me, on a liberal blog, of being ‘tucked away’ in a right wing echo chamber; well, it’s something I’m going to savor for the rest of the day. Here and here are couple of right wing echo chambers I was asked not to visit again. You know, you could try addressing my post instead of the ad homonym crap. See, this is how it works; I say Sheehan is becoming toxic, you disagree presumably offering some evidence, I counter by pointing to something like senator Kerry’s less than ringing endorsement ``Senator Kerry understands the demands on Bush's schedule but hopes he will take time to meet with Mrs. Sheehan.”, and so on. But why would he want to get tied up in that mess; this is what Ms. Sheehan had to say about Senator Kerry …
    “I sat through an entire hour in the CNN studio in DC hearing not one person say that the invasion was a mistake and if it was a mistake, then our troops should be brought home immediately. Even the "Democratic" Senators (Kerry and Bayh) on the program just gave their recipes for "success" in Iraq, which did not include any exit strategies.”
    (Coincidentally I share the same regard for Senator Kerry) And in the same breath had this to say about one of Kerry’s colleagues, Senator John Warner …
    “Of course, he fell in lockstep behind his Führer [President Bush]…”
    I’ll say it again, toxic. As a politician you simply cannot align yourself with someone who describes any sitting president as Führer, especially looking forward to 2006 given the Dems poor showing in 2004.

    Tony Blair would meet with her, I bet. And he certainly would be able to articulate a reason for our military presence in Iraq. Unfortunately, our President seems incapable of making the case in anything other than rote platitudes.

    pigwiggle...the fact is that Bush is taking the heat now that this story is developing, not the Democrats. Look at the Hackett race, he called Bush every name in the book and he did quite well in a very rightwing area. The less reverence the Democrats give to Bush, the less toxic they will be to the electorate, not the other way around. Now use your noodle. You despise Kerry and the Democrats because you think they are for the war, then you turn around and say the Democrats can't bash Bush on the war or it will hurt their election chances. Do you see a contradiction here?

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#36)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    QIB - Then she should go to London. You can carry her bags. ;-) Ernie - Her question has been answered time and again. She knows the answer, you know the answer, and the Left knows the answer. What she really wants now is to posture for the press and ask rhetorical questions and tell us how she isn’t going to pay her share of what it costs to run the country. DA – I think you just did. (Not that you could deny it, anyway.) ;-)

    you know the answer,
    Another non-answer from the master of non-answers. Yes, I knew you couldn't come up with anything more than that, either.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#38)
    by Kitt on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    "See, this is how it works; I say Sheehan is becoming toxic, you disagree presumably offering some evidence...."
    No, pigw - this is how it works. You say 'Sheehan is becoming toxic.' Then, YOU offer evidence which would probably follow my enquiry of 'why do you think that?' Some statement is made by you or another that such & such is this or that. You've made the statement. The onus is on you to provide whatever to either illustrate or support your statement. It's not up to me to provide you with that illustration or support or even to discount it yet. You made the statement; you provide .... You. Then we go from there.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#39)
    by glanton on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    Yeah, Jim, we know the answer to her question and so does she. He died in vain. As for the neighbor, what a moron. They're not on his property, they haven't been there for fiuve weeks, and even if they had been there for five weeks, it's not long enough. It will never be long enough to stand up against useless deaths. And did anybody catch the one where Bush supporters are showing up in Crawford, arguing that the protestors are "not from Texas"? Now there's a scathing criticism. Awww, too bad the protestors are getting on his nerves. Like Bush, he would probably like to "get on with his life." Asould a lot of people Bush has killed.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#40)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    Paul-You are right, the Barber test was of use before the election and now only confirms a big mistake. PPJ-Larry Matlage could also tell his neighbor to talk with Sheenan as well, if he is so serious about getting the porta potties off his property. His supposed non-political stance came into question when after shooting five shots into the air he said that he was practicing for the upcoming DOVE SHOOTING SEASON. The guy is sadly not as dumb as he seems and neither is Bush. PW- Why would you reveal that two wingnut blogs banned you? The rhetorical value of that works against you here, given your posts.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#42)
    by pigwiggle on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    “You despise Kerry and the Democrats because you think they are for the war, then you turn around and say the Democrats can't bash Bush on the war or it will hurt their election chances. Do you see a contradiction here?”
    No; how I feel about most things and how the electorate feels are (unfortunately) very different. But I’m not saying the Dems can’t make some time with a good critique of the war, albeit a careful one which avoids an account of their complicity. I’m saying if they are smart, and I believe they are, they will avoid being involved with Sheehan in any direct way to avoid being painted as extreme and shrill.
    “Look at the Hackett race, he called Bush every name in the book and he did quite well in a very rightwing area.”
    He did, and I am surprised. But wouldn’t you think that if there were some political capital to be had for the midterm elections from the Sheehan business the senators would be lining up? They are not, and it’s understandable; politicians do not want to be irrevocably tied to such a volatile character. Kitt-
    “No, pigw - this is how it works. You say 'Sheehan is becoming toxic.' Then, YOU offer evidence”
    I showed some examples of the way Republicans could use a direct association with Sheehan in 2006 in a couple of specific (likely close) races to the detriment of their opponent immediately following my claim. Christ, did you read the post? Squeaky-
    “PW- Why would you reveal that two wingnut blogs banned you? The rhetorical value of that works against you here, given your posts.”
    How so?

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#43)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    PW-because you do not seem to be making friends here either.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#44)
    by glanton on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    Squaeky, with all due respect, I think many of us have enjoyed p-wiggles' presence on this blog. I disagree with him often, and think he misses and/or significantly attenuates the real threat posed by this Republican part. But he is consistent in striving to come down on the side of liberty.

    Crooks and Liars is reporting that Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#46)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    Crooks and Liars is reporting that Cindy Sheehan has invited Bush to a Friday prayer vigil for the troops.
    Reposted to correct URL text: Crooks and Liars

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#47)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    glanton-As a relative newbie here I can not argue your point, and accept it. Getting banned from a wingnut can be a badge of honor, but as a rhetorical point in the context of his post it seems empty to me. If Sheenan is toxic then most of america is toxic, Hackett is toxic; the losers, affected by the the toxic poison of antiwar sentiment, will be wingnut and dems who are in lockstep w/Bush on the war issue. Sheenan is the tip of an antiwar iceberg. Next step is for her to take it to DC.

    "PW-because you do not seem to be making friends here either." pw and some others here seem to be able to say what they believe without a need to make "friends"...while some others here, it seems, cannot. Personally, I was hoping pw's links were to the actual threads on which he was asked to leave, and not just the blogs' homepages. Searching the blogs for "pigwiggle" doesn't seem to help much...

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#49)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    Debate can be enlightening, slamming, fun as it may be, is not. You seem to be arguing for a rollicking slam fest. We can watch fox news, and groan, if we want to hear RCN talking points. This is not FOX.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#50)
    by Kitt on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    I showed some examples of the way Republicans could use a direct association with Sheehan in 2006 in a couple of specific (likely close) races to the detriment of their opponent immediately following my claim. Christ, did you read the post?
    Sure. I'm just saying how I see it when you present a 'statement of fact' in your estimation. My comment still stands. As for the 2006 races & anyone being tied to Mrs. Sheehan; I'm not caring right about now. There's all kinds of trash out there for everyone. However, you can't paint me or others who support her as traitorous anti-Americans because we're not. [Just like with my brother when we were kids, you punch me - I'll f*ing knock you out.] You can no longer paint us for anything other than what we are. People who love our country & want it back - back to being respected & being respectful.

    "You seem to be arguing for a rollicking slam fest." Squeaky, if you're talking to me, not at all. Which is why I was interested in seeing the threads that got pw disinvited from the blogs. pw's "slamming," if you want to call it that, has always seemed pretty mild to me (even when it was directed at me) compared to what some others here engage in... I think we're OT.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#52)
    by pigwiggle on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    “You can no longer paint us for anything other than what we are.”
    I’m not painting you as anything. The thread was about Sheehan, and my prediction is the left (read democratic politicians) is going to begin to distance themselves from her. It’s simple politics; show politician X with Sheehan, show Sheehan calling President Bush Führer, show the now infamous MoveOn nazi add, back it with a loop of Senator Durbin’s nazi remarks; attack ad gold, politician X is now an extremist. And sorry for the snipe at the end of my last post; I didn’t mean to come off like it reads. Sarc-
    “Personally, I was hoping pw's links were to the actual threads on which he was asked to leave”
    You can google pigwiggle site:http://talkleft.com for example; it's a nice way to search old post. You won’t find much at these two sites, they took down all of my comments. I did however get a nice entry in memorial at 4rwws called “Want to see a microcosm of the continuing implosion of the left?” and another when they apparently mistook a new poster for me; “rising from the a$$es”, which is kind of funny actually; fairly creative for the knuckle draggers there. Really, those guys are full on bigots.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#54)
    by Kitt on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    That's the general, the univeral 'you', pigwiggle. Shoulda clarified. I was in a hurry to get on to work. Just like the bit about playing hardball when it comes to accusations & my beating up my brother. (He's still afraid of me!) I don't mind debating or talking out something. I won't go in circles; I won't play word games; and I won't be characterized as anything but the faithful American that I am. Jezzus! that sounds corny. I've been voting since Nixon(?) and I have never been afraid of anyone or thought that their concern was for anything other than this nation & the people here. I don't get that from Bush. It may take someone like Cindy Sheehan to 'break' him. No matter what happens, he's the loser.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#55)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:23 PM EST
    DA - You could, but you would be wrong. Again. Squeaky writes:
    Sheenan is the tip of an antiwar iceberg. Next step is for her to take it to DC.
    Right now she's a big fish in a small pond. When Bush departs so will the media. In DC she will be a small fish in a big town.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#56)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:23 PM EST
    PPJ-.....we'll see.

    pigwiggle...You dodged the part about Bush's poll numbers. Quite appropriately since they undercut everything you've been saying. Even with Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of the blatherers loudly saturating the airwaves with personal attacks against the dead kid's mom, the preznit is still taking a beating in the court of public opinion. The Democrats need to stop trying to run to the right and instead beat the sleazoid Rove machine by hitting it with a relentless and withering attack using nothing more than the truth: that Iraq is a disaster for everyone except Bush's sponsors. This has become painfully clear to all but the rabid knuckle-draggers. There's a lot of them, but they aren't the majority (except maybe in certain Texas districts redrawn by Tom Delay). The Democrats must go back to their populist roots and dump the DLC people. The Hackett race was a wake up call. The more you stand up for the truth, the more people will get off the sofa and come vote for you. Trying to be Republican Lite because of a fear of being defined by them is a recipe for continuing decline. On a lighter note: not sure if this has been linked before...but here's a funny post about the right wing spin machine.

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#58)
    by glanton on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:23 PM EST
    Cal Thomas is scum, but his recent propagadnistic article on Sheehan and Iraq carries the following, very well-phrased statement: "Let the president answer respectful, even challenging questions. Americans would appreciate a president who would risk putting himself in rhetorical harm's way when our soldiers are in far greater danger." If I had access to ole Cal, I'd tell him "yeah, right. That would take political and moral courage. Of which your hero and party at large possess zero."

    Re: Bush Speaks About Cindy Sheehan: He's Got to G (none / 0) (#60)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:23 PM EST
    Ernie - Polls aren't elections. Check the exit polls in FL in 11/04. DA - I am here to serve. But I must admit that I am stunned, yes stunned, to find that you bookmark threads? Good heavens, dude, I urge you to seek help. In the meantime I will try to write something worthy.