
Home Town Papers Unimpressed by Jeanine Pirro

Jeanine Pirro's first week on the campaign trail didn't wow the media back home in New York. But they do contain some valuable tips for turning it around. The best one: She needs to bring in an issues trainer on national issues. Jeanine's focus has been on crime, crime and crime her entire career. If she wants to run for the Senate, she needs to learn about the economy, health care, budget deficits, jobs and more. As the column points out, she should have done this before she entered the race.

Also unimpressed with Pirro is Newsday. In an editorial today, the paper says:

Where Pirro failed to rise to the occasion was in the paucity of detail behind some of her more serious policy statements. For instance, she called for making the Bush administration tax cuts permanent - a decision that would deepen the deficit and drive up interest rates, without helping the middle class and poor. She would eliminate the estate tax on even the wealthiest inheritors.

But if she is going to take these positions, their success predicated on supply-side (a/k/a "voodoo") economics, Pirro at least should know their cost to the budget. She did not. Edward Cox, who may run a GOP primary against her, should learn from her less than dazzling debut.

This New York Times article suggests Jeanine is making a mistake by focusing on the carpetbagger issue - or Hillary's future presidential plans:

Lee M. Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, said Ms. Pirro seemed to be "somewhat barking up the wrong tree" with her argument about Mrs. Clinton's future prospects.

"In politics, you have to tell people something they don't know," he said. Rick Lazio, Mrs. Clinton's opponent in 2000, "learned that the hard way," he said, "when he said she was not a New Yorker, but a carpetbagger; that was a one-note song." "So Pirro runs the risk of being a one-note song reminiscent of the Lazio carpetbagger theme."

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    Pirro is going to have a heck of a time drumming up any national support for her effort. The RNC will not look with favor upon a canidate who is unable to come up with even 32 seconds of off-the-cuff anti-Hillary talking points.

    Re: Home Town Papers Unimpressed by Jeanine Pirro (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:19 PM EST
    Reuters posts an article by Ellen Wulfhorst, that reads as a PR piece for Piro It starts with out of whack comparison: "When Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton comes up for re-election next year, New York voters may well be choosing between a high-powered female attorney with a wayward husband and a high-powered female attorney with a wayward husband." Near the end she quotes NY Democratic Strategist Hank Scheinkopf: "The real agenda is to get money into New York state to attack Senator Clinton using negatives and independent expenditures with the goal of making her less significant as a presidential contender," he said. "The presidential campaign began the day Jeanine Pirro announced her candidacy." Piro' quote immediately follows countering that claim.

    Re: Home Town Papers Unimpressed by Jeanine Pirro (none / 0) (#3)
    by cpinva on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    though i have no direct stake in this contest, other than as a citizen of usa, inc., i am finding it interesting. ms. pirro's weakness in areas other than law enforcement come as no surprise, she is a DA, that's what she does. from everything i've seen so far, i'm not impressed, she has an awful lot to learn it seems. ms. clinton had the distinct advantage of having been in washington before, not only as first lady for 8 years, but working for congress before that. aside from those who would vote for satan, sooner than a clinton (and manage to confuse the two), i think ms. pirro's ego is in for a significant deflating. has anyone successfully gone from local DA to national office, in one fell swoop, before?

    Re: Home Town Papers Unimpressed by Jeanine Pirro (none / 0) (#4)
    by jarober on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:21 PM EST
    Hillary has always seemed like an odd choice for "feminist hero" to me. She got her position by being married to Bill, and she stayed with him even though (as a husband) he proved himself to be an utter louse. I certainly wouldn't point her out to my daughter as a role model: "look honey, marry a charming rogue who will sleep around, and you could have your own career starting when you hit your 50's" I know next to nothing about Pirro (and since I don't live in New York, I don't really care to) - but the feminist idolization of Hillary is amusing.

    Re: Home Town Papers Unimpressed by Jeanine Pirro (none / 0) (#5)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:22 PM EST
    Bill and Hillary always seemed to be a political show-marriage for convenience. I never saw love there, not that it's any of my business. Pirro is losing republican support for her liberal stance on social issues, I doubt she'll make it to the election, she will drop out.