
Natalee Holloway: Aruba Judges 'Split the Baby'

AP reporting on a ruling just out in the Natalee Holloway Case:

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (July 14) - A 17-year-old Dutch youth must remain behind bars as authorities try to find out what happened to Natalee Holloway, who was last seen six weeks ago leaving a nightclub, an appeals court said Thursday. The court also ruled that there was not enough evidence to detain two Surinamese brothers in connection with the disappearance of the 18-year-old Alabama woman.

During a closed hearing Tuesday, a judge heard appeals from a defense lawyer seeking the release of Joran van der Sloot - the son of a judge in training on the island - and from prosecutors asking for the re-arrest of Deepak Kalpoe, 21, and his brother, Satish, 18.

Background here and here.

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  • in aruba i feel that if the parents of natlie holloway had not made it front line news the goverment and the laws there would have let the whole matter of what happened to natlie holloway slip into oblivation. something is very wrong with the whole goverment. thank god i live in a country where crimes are PUNSHIBLE by LAW. the people of aruba may think they live in pardise but they actually live in a very primitive country. if the people of aruba want our tourist dollars then they need to abide by our morals and values. i am in favor of halting any american tourist trade with aruba.

    I think the Arubian government is on a power play. Instead of asking for help they are more interested in being the boss of an investigation they cannot handle. If anyone out there is willing to start a boycott of Arubian tourism, please let me know! We Americans have to stick together for once against a very corrupt government. They should be looking into the background of Papa Vandersloot and his wife. Also, how do teenagers get away with underage drinking and gambling, anyway? Doesn't anyone see that as a problem waiting to happen? Kudos to Natalee's family, because if it wasn't for them this would have been swept under the rug, just like probable many other things we don't know about!