
RIP, Robert Dunn

Robert Dunn, a criminal defense lawyer in Manhattan, has died, three days short of his 50th birthday. I knew Robert from television, we were often paired as defense lawyers on shows like Rivera Live and Internight during the Clinton years. Fox News anchor John Gibson, who used to guest host Rivera Live before moving to Fox, writes a moving tribute to him, and includes something I never knew: for the last 7 years, Robert had been living with a transplanted heart. The other day, after fainting in court, Robert was taken to the hospital where it just gave out.

Robert's most recent high profile case was that of Abdullah Higazy, the Egyptian student who made a false confession about a radio found in his hotel room at the Millenium, next to the WTC, right after 9/11. 60 Minutes featured the case, describing the techniques used by the FBI to get the false confession, and how it all was exposed when a commercial airline pilot came forward to claim the radio. In fact, Higazy had been set up. The Judge in the case said he felt misled by the Government. Robert filed a $20 million lawsuit against the FBI polygraph examiner afterwards.

Robert Dunn was a dedicated and spirited champion of liberty and the rights of the accused.


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