
Tell Governor Owens to Do the Right Thing

Colorado Governor Bill Owens has a bill (SB 05-028) on his desk right now, passed by the state legislature, that would make Colorado the 17th state to extend its employment non-discrimination law to cover sexual orientation. The bill also would prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability or gender identity.

Governor Owens has vetoed 11 bills so far this legislative session and says he may strive for a "personal best" record by vetoing additional bills. This bill could be one of those.

Take a moment and go over to Progress Now and sign this short letter to Governor Owens that reads:

We urge you to do the right thing for all Coloradans and sign into law SB 28. No Coloradan should fear for her job simply because of her sexual orientation. Our nation was founded on the ideal of equality, and expanding employment non-discrimination to include sexual orientation is another step toward that ideal.

The letter asks only for a name and email address.

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    Re: Tell Governor Owens to Do the Right Thing (none / 0) (#1)
    by DavidDvorkin on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:02 PM EST
    Does anyone really think there'