
Radical Right Has Takeover Plans

If you had any doubt that evangelical leader James Dobson's grand plan is to for the radical right fringe to assume the leadership of this country, here's your final clue. In a radio address about the filibuster and nuclear option,

James C. Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, described the fight as the tipping point of the Bush presidency. "Nothing good took place last November, only the potential for something good," Dr. Dobson said.

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    Re: Radical Right Has Takeover Plans (none / 0) (#4)
    by jarober on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:49 PM EST
    Paul, Your comment is just about the perfect example of what I mean. Election fraud? Look to Washington State and Wisconsin, where it was rife. The problem is, the broad middle of the electorate simply doesn't believe you. In fact, they think you're nuts - just as the broad middle thought that the anti-FDR reactionaries on the right (circa 1933-1939) were nuts. Keep up the rhetoric on display in your comment, please - it will ensure a long period of Republican dominance, just as the reactionary Republicans of yore ensured a long period of Democratic dominance.

    Re: Radical Right Has Takeover Plans (none / 0) (#1)
    by jarober on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:50 PM EST
    This post illustrates why the left will probably wander in the desert as long as the Republicans did in the wake of FDR's election. You see sinister dark forces ready to take over and debase the Republic, just as they did. The trouble is, as illustrated in the last 2 elections, middle America doesn't agree with the left any more than it agreed with the Republicans back then. Mindless opposition is no more a winning platform in 2005 than it was in 1932

    Re: Radical Right Has Takeover Plans (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:50 PM EST
    Incorrect, James. We have evidence of massive vote fraud, felonies committed right and left, stolen elections for the last FIVE years. That's based in evidence, not in fantasy like your statements. 28 states have lost their right to recount elections. How can that EVER produce legal elections? It cannot. No people would ever accept elections where one side counts the votes, and says 'trust us' when they win in spite of exit polls, and blatant vote fraud, like 20 hour waits in line in Cleveland Ohio, phoney-baloney excuses for canceling PAID FOR and court-ordered recounts, and the affidavits from election officials that Triad went around Ohio swapping out circuit boards in the tabulators before the recount could be held, and supplied false numbers to report "regardless of what the machines say." You lot are CHEATING, LYING, AND USING THREATS against our national security to promote a rightwing cause. And you've been CAUGHT at it. It has nothing to do with our policies. We've elected two excellent presidents so far this millenium, and you boys with your backroom deals are involved in high crimes and misdemeanors. So far, fairly successfully -- but law is funny, sometimes it can wait its season.

    Re: Radical Right Has Takeover Plans (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:50 PM EST
    And Robertson demonstrates above the type if thinking involved when Fascism took root in Europe during the '20s and '30s. Also demonstrated is an unusual definition of Middle America. Oy vey, the 'official' returns from 2004 showed a rather slim advantage of about 1 percent of voters going to Bush. Trying to shoe-horn Middle America into being entirely pro-Bush only works when talking to LGF'ers and other freepers.

    Re: Radical Right Has Takeover Plans (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:50 PM EST
    Totally nonresponsive, which is usual for your lot, James. How would you know what the electorate thinks? Diebold and the rest are stealing your election wins for you. We caught them in Ohio, and we caught them in California, and we caught them in Florida. You? Washington, which at best is a recount fight, without any particular evidence of one side trying to steal anything. Since we raised nearly a million dollars to recount WA, I'm not impressed with your example. It's the states WITHOUT RECOUNT RIGHTS that are particularly stunning examples of vote fraud. We paid the $100,000 it takes in Ohio to get a recount, and Bush's campaign chair blocked it, even after the courts threatened him with jail. That's because he KNEW that Bush had lost his shirt in Ohio. Steal away -- you are busily destroying your party as you damage the Republic. Exactly whom do you think the 'broad middle of the electorate' is going to blame for Bush's trillion dollar deficit track? READ MY LIPS.

    Re: Radical Right Has Takeover Plans (none / 0) (#6)
    by jarober on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:50 PM EST
    Paul, Just keep whistling past the graveyard then. The important result from 2004 is the house and senate elections - The governing party gained seats for the first time since FDR's presidency. What does that mean? It means that the Democratic platform of "call the opposition names, blame our losses on cheating, and refuse to have a platform of our own" isn't working out for you. Like I said, keep it up. You'll make people like me ecstatic as you continue to lose elections and become less and less relevant.

    Re: Radical Right Has Takeover Plans (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:50 PM EST
    James- The people in 1930s Germany didn't think things were getting out of hand either. I doubt you have any insight into the minds of average Americans beyond what the front page of a biased Corporate newspaper tells you. "You see sinister dark forces ready to take over and debase the Republic, just as they did. The trouble is, as illustrated in the last 2 elections, middle America doesn't agree with the left any more than it agreed with the Republicans back then." No, I witness first hand dark forces in positions of power quite frequently. Unempathetic, unapologetic social darwinists taking advantage of the unwitting and patting themselves on the back as they do it. I truly love people who enjoy the political debate rather than the ideological debate. Zero sum thinking with a flawed definitional assumption: "The election result proves that America wishes to ratify a comprehensive Republican platform." If that kind of dishonest manipulation gets you excited, then you're the one out of step with the common American who is generally turned off by the entire political process.