
Randall Terry's Unconventional Family

Randall Terry, anti-abortion activist and now Schindler family spokesman, has an unusual family background. CNN's Anderson Cooper reported tonight: (Transcript available on Lexis.com)

BAKHTIAR: It's been a long road for Randall Terry, who was once imprisoned for sending former President Bill Clinton an aborted fetus....His clinic crusade slowed after he was forced to settle a lawsuit with Planned Parenthood. He moved to Florida and campaigned against infidelity and birth control, gays and unwed mothers.

But a year ago, his expended agenda came under fire from his own devout Christian family, the children who once featured in TV ads.

...His son Jamiel came out as gay in a magazine article.

JAMIEL TERRY, RANDALL TERRY'S SON: In my family, it was you start having sex outside of marriage you get AIDS, you're a whore, your a slut, those are exact words. Yesterday he said to me I'm going to be at your funeral, you're going to die at 42.

BAKHTIAR: His teenage daughter Tila, said her father no longer welcomes her in his home.

TILA TERRY, RANDALL TERRY'S DAUGHTER: I sad sex outside marriage, I got pregnant and I miscarried after about three or four months. I hadn't been speaking with my dad. We haven't been as close as you know we were since I left his house.

BAKHTIAR: His eldest, Ebony, also had two children out of wedlock and became a Muslim.

EBONY WHETSTONE, RANDALL TERRY'S DAUGHTER: It's a whole make of our family is not traditional, by far. So it's not going to be, you know, picture-perfect.

BAKHTIAR: And Randall Terry himself was censored by his church after he had an affair with an assistant. The family split.

The Schindler family wants to save their daughter. But did they have to pick this charletan who won't even speak to his own children to act as their spokesman?

Crooks and Liars has the video and more on Terry . So does Media Matters .
