
Action Alert: Stop Planned Flogging of Two Arab Women

The United Arab Emirates has sentenced two women to be flogged for becoming pregnant outside of marriage. Their names are Rad Zemah Mohammed and Wasini bint Sarjan. Flogging is torture. It is also a cruel and inhuman punishment. See Amnesty International's action alert and weigh in. Here's more:

Both women were working in the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah as domestic servants. According to reports in a local Ras al-Khaimah paper, police arrested them after their sponsors (either their employers or employment agency) reported that they were pregnant. After pregnancy tests confirmed the allegation, they were referred to the emirate's Shari'a court, where Rad Zemah Sinyai Mohammed reportedly confessed to having a sexual relationship outside wedlock. Wasini bint Sarjan allegedly made a similar confession, but later denied the charge. Neither woman is believed to be married.

....The UAE became a state party to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW, or the Women's Convention) in October 2004. Article 7 of the Convention expressly prohibits gender-based violence which violates "the right not to be subject to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

Send your letter to:

Minister of Justice, Awqaf and Islamic Affairs
His Excellency Muhammad Nakhira Al-Dhahiri
Minister of Justice, Awqaf and Islamic Affairs
Ministry of Justice
POB 753, Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Fax: +971 2 681 5155
Salutation: Your Excellency

[hat tip Tena at First Draft.]

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  • Re: Action Alert: Stop Planned Flogging of Two Ara (none / 0) (#1)
    by Al on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 01:45:33 PM EST
    Not surprisingly, e-mail is bouncing from all branches of the government of the United Arab Emirates. Sick, perverted, and cowards, too. Hey, United Arab Emirate dudes: Real men don't hit pregnant women. And real men don't turn off their e-mail because they can't stand criticism.

    If the email is bouncing, you can try a fax. The number is in the post above. thanks for the heads-up.

    Re: Action Alert: Stop Planned Flogging of Two Ara (none / 0) (#3)
    by cp on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 02:56:40 AM EST
    al, don't waste your breath. while you, and tl, are absolutely correct in condemning this atrocity, nothing you, i or anyone else says is going to stop it. the uae, saudi arabia, et al know full well how most of the west views their corruption of the quoran, to provide justification for a patriarchy. they basically could care less. as long as they hold a good chunk of the world's known oil reserves, they don't have to care what we think. that said, i wish you luck.

    Re: Action Alert: Stop Planned Flogging of Two Ara (none / 0) (#4)
    by kdog on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 09:58:16 AM EST
    I'm sick of backwards people.

    Re: Action Alert: Stop Planned Flogging of Two Ara (none / 0) (#5)
    by Ed Drone on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 08:41:29 PM EST
    At least they aren't allowed to get abortions! Ed

    Men are subject to flogging too, aren't they? I'll bet men get most of the beatings. If my fellow posters believe in equality between the sexes, then why the special attention when the flogees are womyn? Unless they really don't believe in equality.

    Re: Action Alert: Stop Planned Flogging of Two Ara (none / 0) (#7)
    by kdog on Mon Jan 03, 2005 at 06:48:49 AM EST
    Paul, Flogging is wrong regardless of sex. But if you can't see the difference between flogging a pregnant woman and a man, I can't help you. Men and women can be equal, yet different. To ignore the differences between the sexes is to ignore reality.

    Can't a woman get pregnant from flogging?