
Round the Bloggerhood

AmericaBlog says Bush was wired during his last press conference--and has the link to the video so you can decide for yourselves.

Say hello to CrimProf blog by criminal law professors Jack Chin and Mark Godsey who do a remarkably good job.

Skippy is back from Belize and blogging away, celebrating his 700,000th visitor.

Beautiful Horizons, the best blog on Latin American affairs, turns two years old, Happy blogiversary!

The Drug War Rant is going on vacation and leaves a list of some of the best bloggers around on the drug war, including Libby at Last One Speaks, Loretta at the U.S. Marijuana Party and Scott at Grits for Breakfast.

Jeanne D'Arc of Body and Soul has a Christmas story.

Avedon Carol of Sideshow has the latest on the election returns. Was it a stolen election?

Markos of Daily Kos criticizes John Kerry and points out the opportunities in being in the minority for the next four years.

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