
Wake Up Call: Messianic Bush Spells Out Plans for Next Four Years

Bump: This is in the Sunday Times, so we're moving it up to Sunday's posts.


If this doesn't make you wake up and smell the coffee, I don't know what will. The thought that Bush is ruling our government by his own personal messianic brand of religious zealotry makes me absolutely ill. If John Kerry does not win this election, we are all in trouble.

Tristero quotes Ron Suskind's astonishing New York Times Magazine article about Bush and his messianic faith. His belief that G-d is speaking through him and guiding him in his Presidency. His decision-making that comes from his instincts or gut, as he would put it, rather than from facts. Tristero has the quotes from Suskind on Bush's recent meeting with top long-term Republican donors called the RNC Regents in which he set out his beliefs and his plans for the next four years. The quotes are chilling. In addition to the critical sections quoted by Tristero, you must read all of Suskinds' article. Here are some more choice portions:

First, how some in the Republican party are coming to view Bush:

Bruce Bartlett, a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan and a treasury official for the first President Bush, told me recently that ''if Bush wins, there will be a civil war in the Republican Party starting on Nov. 3.'' .... ''I think a light has gone off for people who've spent time up close to Bush: that this instinct he's always talking about is this sort of weird, Messianic idea of what he thinks God has told him to do.''

''This is why George W. Bush is so clear-eyed about Al Qaeda and the Islamic fundamentalist enemy. He believes you have to kill them all. They can't be persuaded, that they're extremists, driven by a dark vision. He understands them, because he's just like them. . .

''This is why he dispenses with people who confront him with inconvenient facts,'' Bartlett went on to say. ''He truly believes he's on a mission from God. Absolute faith like that overwhelms a need for analysis. The whole thing about faith is to believe things for which there is no empirical evidence.'' Bartlett paused, then said, ''But you can't run the world on faith.''

Bush is described by many prominent members of the Senate and his own cabinet as someone who proudly says he runs on instincts, rather than facts.

The Delaware senator [Joe Biden] was, in fact, hearing [directly from Bush] what Bush's top deputies -- from cabinet members like Paul O'Neill, Christine Todd Whitman and Colin Powell to generals fighting in Iraq -- have been told for years when they requested explanations for many of the president's decisions, policies that often seemed to collide with accepted facts. The president would say that he relied on his ''gut'' or his ''instinct'' to guide the ship of state, and then he ''prayed over it.''

Near the end of this ten page article, Suskind reports on the meeting with the RNC Regents, and quotes him on his plans for the next four years:

''I'm going to come out strong after my swearing in,'' Bush said, ''with fundamental tax reform, tort reform, privatizing of Social Security.'' The victories he expects in November, he said, will give us ''two years, at least, until the next midterm. We have to move quickly, because after that I'll be quacking like a duck.''

...The president, listing priorities for his second term, placed near the top of his agenda the expansion of federal support for faith-based institutions. The president talked at length about giving the initiative the full measure of his devotion and said that questions about separation of church and state were not an issue.

When you consider Suskind's reference to Gallup poll results showing that 42% of Americans believe themselves to be born-agains or evangelical Christians, we could have a problem on election day. Suskind reports that many of them didn't vote in the 2000 election, but Bush may be mobilizing them this time around. Even though they are not a monolithic group, they could make a difference in a close race.

This may be a close election. The Republicans have already mobilized their post-election recount resources. Your donation will help Kerry-Edwards do the same:

Contributing to the Kerry-Edwards 2004 General Election Legal and Accounting Compliance Fund (GELAC) provides important support for our campaign. The Federal Election Commission has just granted our request to raise funds now to cover recount expenses. Your contribution to Kerry-Edwards 2004 GELAC will provide the resources to make sure we are prepared to win the post election day battles.

In addition to recount costs, GELAC helps pay for legal and accounting expenses incurred by the campaign. By paying for these expenses with GELAC funds, the campaign is able to spend more of its limited public funds on critical campaign expenses such as media, candidate travel and direct contact with voters.

Even if it's small, please give what you can.

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