
Arrogant Incompetence

by TChris

The Bush administration is guilty of mind-boggling incompetence says David Corn, manifested most recently in Abu Ghraib. But that's only the latest example.

The Bush gang has bungled so many aspects of the Iraq occupation that its actions border on criminal recklessness. The most stunning revelation of Bob Woodward’s Plan of Attack is not that Bush ordered the Pentagon to begin planning an invasion of Iraq in November 2001; it is what is absent from the book: any indication that Bush and his lieutenants engaged in high-level planning concerning what to do after the invasion. ... If anyone else began such a complex and unprecedented project without mulling over the obvious pitfalls and complications, he or she would be out of work.

With Cheney and Rumsfeld, arrogance replaced deliberation. With Bush, incompetence replaced management. The result has been a disaster. Indeed, they should all lose their jobs.

Fire them in November. Vote Kerry.

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