
Questions About Gov't Expert in Hussayen's Trial

by TChris

David Nevin, the attorney for Sami Al-Hussayen, wonders why the government is using an expert witness who did the same thing his client is accused of doing. Hussayen, who was a month away from earning his doctorate in computer science before being arrested for providing expert assistance to terrorist organizations, is accused of maintaining a website that promoted terrorism.

Al-Hussayen's attorneys argued that government witness Mohammed Aleem, of Tjara Networks Co., maintains an Internet site [www.Islamicity.com] carrying the same kind of material Al-Hussayen is accused of promoting.

Nevin argued that the information on the Tjara Networks site is indistinguishable from the material prosecutors claim Al-Hussayen has made sure was posted on the assembly's and associated sites — yet no attempt has been made to prosecute Tjara operators. Aleem's "organization has done essentially the same thing that Mr. Al-Hussayen has been accused of doing," Nevin said, and yet "he's here as a government witness, sponsored by the government."

Nevin wasn't allowed to cross-examine Aleem about the website because his questioning would have gone beyond the scope of the government's direct examination, but Nevin intends to call Aleem as a defense witness.

Recent TalkLeft coverage of the trial is here.

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