
Sunday Reading

Walter at Idols of the Marketplace has some harsh words for President Bush and The Alamo.

Drug War Rant has this response to our post on Vietnam's execution of a female drug courier: "You want to deter criminal drug dealers? Eliminate their profits by ending the drug war."

Max of Maxspeak connects the dots in the pre-9/11 memo released yesterday. And Neal Pollack rips the timing of the release:

The White House has a tradition, if it wants to inform the citizenry about something really important, of releasing key documents on the Saturday night before Easter Sunday, when most Americans are absolutely glued to the news. That was certainly the case this Saturday past, which will forever be known as Declassification Of The August 6, 2001, Presidential Daily Briefing Day.

Atrios waxes eloquent on why there is no dishonor in criticizing the war:

Pointing out that it was a mistake to send these people to their deaths does not dishonor them - it rightly dishonors the civilian leaders who sent them there. These people served their country when asked, even if their civilian leaders can be faulted.

Road to Surfdom has the latest rumor on who will be the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq after June 30: Current U.N. Ambassador John Negroponte.

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