
Dean: Andrew Jackson a Great Tennessean?

Did Howard Dean make another gaffe today in the e-mail he sent out to supporters announcing Al Gore's support? Here's the line at issue:

And I look forward to January 20th, 2005, when we follow the example of another great Tennessean, Andrew Jackson -- we will throw open the doors to the White House and let the American people back in.

Andrew Jackson, a great Tennessean? Not according to J. M. Branum, a law student and Kucinich supporter who authors the JMBZine blog:

No, Andrew Jackson was not a great Tennessean, but rather was a very dangerous man who did some horrible things in our history. My own ancestors (the Cherokee) were sent on the genocidal "Trail of Tears" by Jackson, despite the fact that the Cherokee had won their case in the US Supreme Court. Jackson defied the rule of law and prevailed in doing so. Those who suffered were the thousands of American Indians who died during the removals to Indian Territory in the west.

Jackson is no hero in my book and I'm disappointed that Dean thinks he is worthy of praise.

President Andrew Jackson authorized the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Here's more on the Trail of Tears.

Here's a short paragraph from an 1830 Jackson speech on the Act:

"It will seperate the indians from immediate contact with settlements of whites; enable them to pusue happiness in their own way and under their own rude institutions; will retard the progress of decay, which is lessening their numbers, and perhaps cause them gradually, under the protection of the government and through the influences of good counsels, to cast off their savage habits and become an interesting, civilized, and christian community."

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