
FBI Seeks Funding for DNA Testing of Juveniles

Today's sneak Congressional attack--a little known provision has been inserted into a fast-moving bill that allows the FBI to collect juveniles' DNA. The bill has passed the house and is expected to pass the Senate early in 2004. Contact your Senators now and tell them you don't want the Government to have your child's genetic codes.

DNA testing should be reserved for those who have committed crimes.

The American Civil Liberties Union counters that DNA is different because it contains genetic information that should be kept private. Taking a person's DNA before he is even convicted, said ACLU Washington lobbyist Jesselyn McCurdy, "removes the presumption of innocence."

Advocates for juveniles say that giving teenagers what amounts to a "permanent criminal genetic record" defeats the purpose of the juvenile justice system by treating the youths as adults.

"It runs counter to the tenets of juvenile court, which is toward confidentiality and giving a child another opportunity to turn around," said Nancy Gannon of the Coalition for Juvenile Justice, which advises state governments on justice policy.

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