
John Lee Malvo 'Sniper' Trial Begins Monday

John Lee Malvo, also referred to as Lee Boyd Malvo, the younger of the two 'sniper' suspects, goes on trial Monday in Virginia. So far, his lawyers are pleased with the way the trial is progressing against his alleged co-coconspirator and elder sniper suspect John Muhammad. Malvo's lawyers have a defense--the "insanity-by-indoctrination defense"--and they say the Muhammad trial is strengthening it.

Both trials have been moved outside of the counties where the shooting crimes occurred. Muhammad is on trial in Virginia Beach. Malvo's trial will be held 14 miles away in Chesapeake. Here is a profile of Judge Marum Roush who will be presiding over the Malvo trial. You can read about his defense team, Michael S. Arif and Craig S. Cooley, here.

Malvo was 17 at the time the crime was committed, yet he is eligible for the death penalty under Virginia law. He has an interesting history. Three years ago he was an honors student Jamaica who loved playing cricket and reading. Today he is most often thought of as the "accused serial killer who reportedly laughed when talking about sending bullets through his victims’ heads." Here's an article on Malvo's switch to an insanity plea. The Sunday Washington Post has this lengthy article about Malvo's background.

Columnist Earl Ofari Hutchinson writes about the absurdity of the death penalty in this and all cases in light of the Green River killer who killed 48 and was permitted to plead guilty and avoid it.

We're scheduled to do another online chat for the Washington Post on jury selection in the Malvo case Monday afternoon at 3:30 pm ET. Here is the transcript of our last chat, on the day Muhammad represented himself at his trial.

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