
Costs of the Sniper Trial

It's no suprise that defense costs for the Sniper trial will top $1 Million. The prosecution tab will be far greater.

We disagree with the official who lamented the lack of caps on defense fees. The Constitution guarantees defendants a fair trial, and it is hardly fair to have the awesome and unlimited powers of the Government come down upon you and not be allotted sufficient resources to defend yourself.

One million doesn't even level the playing field, but we recognize its a lot more than Virginia has granted in prior cases, so we won't complain--particularly since defense counsel have said they got almost everything they asked for.

Lawyers for the sniper suspects are working for reduced rates--$125.00 an hour. Their regular law practices are on hold while they do this case. It's a death case. Death is different. And death costs more. If Virginia is upset about the costs, it could drop the death penalty and allow life in prison without the possibility of parole to be the top punishment. That would save hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions.

The article makes reference to the Oklahoma bombing trials. The prosecution spent $82 million on the case. McVeigh's defense spent $15 million. We don't see how anyone can complain.

If the defense isn't granted adequate funding for counsel, investigation and experts at trial to test the Government's evidence, then it's not a fair trial and we --as a society--cannot trust in the integrity of any verdict that comes down.

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