
State-Sanctioned Murder

A big thanks to Avedon Carol over at Sideshow who picks up on our posts on Florida's deadlines for DNA testing and adds her own insightful analysis:

The very idea that there are conditions in which we can deliberately and knowingly take the life of someone who may be innocent shouldn't even be a consideration, yet we actually have laws that are clearly designed to prevent freeing the innocent. Legislators and prosecutors can rationalize all they want to, but they cannot justify the taking of innocent life; it's murder, plain and simple. And if it's okay for them to do it, why bother to prosecute murderers in the first place? It's precisely to prevent the killing of the innocent that murder laws exist; if they can do it, why can't we?

Avedon has more, we hope you will read the whole thing. There should be no deadline on justice.

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