
Dossier on John Ashcroft

Emma Goldman of Notes on the Atrocities deserves a major award for her new dossier on John Ashcroft. It is likely the most comprehensive, sourced analysis of him available in one place. We can only guess at the number of hours and days it took her to compile this. It's generously hosted by the folks at genfoods.

After Ashcroft's biographical data, these sections follow:

Persuing a Personal Agenda
Civil Liberty Violations
Theocratic Leanings
Paranoia and Secrecy

From the Introduction:

Under John Ashcroft, the Attorney General has become an activist position, prosecuting citizens on a narrow agenda of social issues Ashcroft finds distasteful, often against the wishes of states. Under the auspices of federal narcotics laws, Ashcroft has pursued doctors in Oregon (under the state-passed and judicially-sanctioned "Death with Dignity" law) and medical marijuana users in California. Meanwhile, he gave broad rights to gun users.

Since 9/11, Ashcroft has made an all-out assault on civil liberties, foisting TIPS and TIA, racial profiling, immigrant and prisoner abuses, and first amendment violations on the public. He has threatened Congress and the citizens he is supposed to protect. His theocratic leanings, sanctimonious anti-nudity and anti-gay positions are inconsistent with a man who, as Attorney General, is supposed merely to enforce law, not interpret and create it.

It's too long to read at one sitting, particularly on a workday, so bookmark it and return often until you've read the whole thing. Still to come are similar dossiers on Rumsfeld and Cheney. Thanks, Emma.

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