
Denver Gets a New Mayor

Denver, the nation's 25th largest city, elected a new mayor today--John Hickenlooper --a brew pub owner with little experience in politics. We had the opportunity to meet him last week at a local tv station when his show was ending as our's was beginnng. He was charming. He charmed us. He won easily, with 65% of the vote.

Hickenlooper, 51, who owns eight restaurants, touted his experience in business and inexperience in politics, saying he will bring fresh new approaches to governing and leading the city out of an economic slump. Recent surveys showed his message appealed to voters across all geographic, ethnic and political lines.

The new mayor will have to deal with an economic slump that has cost residents 35,000 jobs over the past 18 months. He also will have to find a way to cope with a $50 million budget gap predicted for next year.

Congrats to Mayor-elect Hickenlooper, we wish you well.

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