
Blogging Around

Don't Miss:

David Niewert on Bush's military record. "What we know about his record now should be considered a scandal, and should have been since it was uncovered during the campaign." Lots of factual and other detail.

Josh Marshall on the press not picking up on Katrina Leung's Repbublican activism (Our prior coverage of it, which includes a long quote from Atrios, is here. Matt Yglesias says the story is really about the screwups of the FBI.

Daily Kos on Orrin Hatch's hypocrisy regarding judicial nominations and the "blue slip" rule.

Archpundit on Ashcroft's use of SAMMS (Special Administrative Measures) to impinge on the attorney-client privilege and restrict counsel's ability to meet with clients and adequately prepare a defense.

Tapped on legalizing marijuana.

Media Horse on the Bush Jet Gimmick.

Avedon Carol on the showdown at the FCC.

Patriot Watch says "PATRIOTWATCHERS--In the coming months be on the look-out for attempts by the administration and Congressional leadership to introduce pieces of PATRIOT II as individual legislation. We will be watching and keep you informed of any efforts to do so."

Arthur Silber at Light of Reason on yesterday's Senate action on the Patriot Act and how we are losing the war at home.

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