
Saddam's $1 Billion Withdrawal

There has been a lot of coverage today of Saddam and his son Qusay taking $1 billion in cash from the Iraqi Central Bank right before the bombing. The BBC says some are speculating the money went to Syria.

the possibility that some of the cash may have gone to Syria could refocus attention on Damascus' relations with the former regime. During the war, the US accused Syria of giving help to Saddam Hussein and threatened reprisals. Washington officials also said they believed that a number of regime officials had sought refuge in Damascus.

On April 14, we wrote

After the second bombing targeting Saddam, we began leaning towards believing Saddam escaped both bombings.

Here's our current theory: One of Saddam's sons was killed in the first "decapitation" attack. Saddam was slightly wounded. He was at the location of the second attack and survived. He used a cell phone to put into effect pre-arranged plans to transfer $1 billion to Syria in exchange for safe haven. He and his second son are in Syria.

We have no idea if the money went to Syria or not, but that's still our best guess.

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