
U.S. Officials Confident Saddam in the Bombed Building

MSNBC (Lester Holt anchoring) reports that U.S. officials have told them they are "confident" Saddam Hussein and his sons were in the building the U.S. bombed today. CNN reports on the bombing here. MSNBC's web report is here.

The AP reports that,
U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said American intelligence learned Monday morning of a high-level meeting in Baghdad between senior Iraqi intelligence officials and, possibly, Saddam and his two sons, Qusai and Odai. The intelligence was passed to U.S. Central Command, which sent aircraft to drop bunker-busting bombs on the target.
It may take a while to confirm whether Saddam and/or his sons were there because the building has been reduced to rubble.

Update: David Schuster of MSNBC is now reporting there are bunkers in the building--tunnels underneath that could have an exit--so it is possible Saddam got out.before the bombing. Andrea Mitchell reports there was a 45 minute lag time and Saddam could have gotten out during that time.

[ed. note: edited to include link to quoted AP article]

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