
Science Journals To Delete BioTerror Data

"Editors of the world's leading scientific journals announced Saturday they would delete details from published studies that might help terrorists make biological weapons. The editors, joined by several prominent scientists, said they would not censor scientific data or adopt a top-secret classification system similar to that used by the military and government intelligence agencies."

"But they said scientists working in the post-Sept. 11 world must face the dismaying paradox that many of their impressive breakthroughs can be used for sinister purposes....They unveiled their agreement at the national meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science" held in Denver this weekend.

If you read the article, you will see that these writers deal with some strange stuff--"from decoding the human genome to the cloning of Dolly the sheep .
Indeed, it has never been easier to tweak a microbe's genes to create a deadlier, drug-resistant superbug for a germ bomb or hijack aerosol technology meant for convenient spray vaccines to make anthrax spores float through the air. Journal editors said they were establishing their own expert panels to review papers that contain alarming information, and would work with the authors to make specific changes and "tone them down."
We'll be joining the science writers at their party this evening, we'll report any particularly noteworthy details when we get back.

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