
Text of Bureau of Prison Memo Restricting Use of Half-Way Houses

This is the text of the memorandum that went out December 20, 2002, to all federal judges from Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, Director of the Bureau of Prisons:
This memorandum informs you that the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) is implementing a significant procedure change regarding inmate designations to community corrections centers (CCC) (also known as "halfway-houses"). The Bureau has had a practice of honoring some judicial recommendations to place inmates in CCCs for the imprisonment portions of their sentences. Effective immediately, this practice will no longer be followed. The Bureau will not use CCCs as a substitute for imprisonment.

This procedure change follows recent guidance from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), finding that the term "community confinement" is not synonymous with "imprisonment." OLC has determined that the Bureau's practice of using CCCs as a substitute for imprisonment contravenes well-established case law, and is inconsistent with U.S.S.G. 5C1.1.

This procedure change will be implemented prospectively, with the following exception. Inmates designated to CCCs who, as of December 16, 2002, had more than 150 days remaining to serve on their prison terms, will be re-designated by the Bureau to prison institutions.

(Received from the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, courtesy of Howard O. Kieffer, Executive Director, Federal Defense Associates )

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