
Hundreds of Middle Eastern Men Arrested While Trying to Register

We've reported on the new regulation requiring men from various middle eastern nations to register with the Government by this past Monday.

500 - 700 California men who voluntarily appearied at the required location to register and have their fingerprints taken were arrested by the INS sparking major protests in California where the arrests were heavier than other places in the country. In Los Angeles, 25% of the men who showed up were arrested.

The rally against the arrests drew approximately 3,000 protesters, some with signs saying "What Next? Concentration Camps?" and "Detain Terrorists not Innocent Immigrants."

"Many of those arrested, according to their lawyers, had already applied for green cards and, in some instances, had interviews scheduled in the near future. Although they had overstayed their visas, attorneys argue, their clients had already taken steps to remedy the situation and were following the regulations closely."

"One attorney, who said he saw a 16-year- old boy pulled from the arms of his crying mother, called it madness to believe the registration requirements would catch terrorists. "

"His mother is 6 1/2 months pregnant. They told the mother he is never going to come home -- she is losing her mind," said attorney Soheila Jonoubi, who spent Wednesday amid the chaos of the downtown INS office attempting to determine the status of her clients. Jonoubi said the mother has permanent residence status and that her husband, the boy's stepfather, is a U.S. citizen. The teenager came to the country in July on a student visa and was on track to gain permanent residence, the lawyer said."

A 16 year old who entered this country lawfully is permanently separated from his parents who are legal residents? That makes us sick to even think about. What country is this? We don't recognize it as America. But we can tell you whose country it is: Bush and Ashcroft's.

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