
The Citizenry as a Preventive and Responsive Terrorism Resource

Law Professor Glenn Reynolds ( Instapundit), writing for TechCentral Station today, has some constructive ideas for how we citizens can help prevent and best respond to future terrorist attacks.

We compliment the Professor on coming up with concrete suggestions that can be implemented fairly easily. Too often, we all opine on what's wrong without providing constructive and do-able alternatives. Among his suggestions:

  • Training and arming citizens in what to be alert for "could be a very valuable last line of defense against terrorism. In almost every instance of terrorism, the true first responders will be the people already on the scene."
  • Training people in "first aid (especially the specific skills likely to be useful in the aftermath of a terrorist attack), in recognizing the signs of chemical or biological attack, and in various other disaster-recovery skills."
  • Encouraging people "to carry cameras, or video cameras, and use them in the immediate moments after an attack, when they might gather valuable data."

    Prof. Reynolds concludes:

    "One of the lessons that we should take from the D.C. sniper attacks is that even a massive law-enforcement presence can't prevent terror attacks, even when it knows they're about to happen. But an informed and prepared citizenry - which, after all, is what stopped "shoebomber" Richard Reid, helped stop Mohammad Hadayet, and kept Flight 93 from smashing into the Capitol, as well as being what actually caught Muhammad and Malvo - can be everywhere. "

    If you have some other ideas, feel free to use the comments section below.

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