
Denver Post Strongly Backs Strickland

The Denver Post in an editorial today strongly backs Tom Strickland for U.S. Senate, see Strickland For a New Century.

"Colorado's U.S. Senate race carries profound national importance this year. Its outcome will influence not only the composition of the U.S. Supreme Court, but also the philosophical orientation of our government at home and abroad. The Denver Post strongly urges voters to elect Democrat Tom Strickland to join Republican Ben Nighthorse Campbell in representing Colorado's central values - moderation, a commitment to progress and reverence for our natural surroundings - in Washington."

"We believe Strickland offers the leadership our state and our country need in this young century. While he is not a professional politician, he has prepared for leadership as Colorado's top federal prosecutor, as a lawyer with a significant business-oriented practice and, most importantly, as a private citizen who has conscientiously and consistently worked to improve the quality of life for all Coloradans."

The Post endorsed Allard over Strickland the last time around. Here's what they say about that:

"The Post's endorsement of incumbent Republican Wayne Allard in 1996 urged him "to seek compromise and moderation to keep the country moving." We've been deeply disappointed on both counts. Allard has chosen strict party-line voting rather than the Colorado-style moderation we sought - and the country, far from moving forward, is in a serious economic downturn. Traditionally, The Post has continued to stand by incumbents we have supported in the past. Our endorsement is, quite frankly, theirs to lose. To our sorrow, Sen. Allard, by failing to show any instinct for centrism, conciliation or independence, has lost our support. Indeed, on almost every major issue, challenger Strickland's positions and ideas are markedly more attuned to Colorado than those of his opponent."

We hope you will read the whole editorial, quote it on your blogs and get the message out.

Please, donate to Strickland's campaign so they can make their final media blitz. This really could be the race that keeps the Democrats in control of the Senate--and right wing judicial activists off the Supreme Court. And let us know or let them know via email to mthielen@stricklandforcolorado.com that we prompted your donation so we can go to the Don Henley benefit Oct. 27 (see our explanatory post here. Small amounts are fine, and we've made good progress since we started asking, but we still need some more contributions to be able to attend. We're looking for at least half of the requested donation and we will, with their approval, match up to the other half.

As for why we are such supporters of Strickland, go here.

Allard's dismal voting record on children's issues is here. Remember, this is a junior senator who has not distinguished himself in Congress and has voted the Republican party line on 98% of his votes. And as the Post makes clear:

"On the matter of women's reproductive rights: Strickland is clearly and strongly pro-choice, mirroring the views of a majority of Coloradans, while Allard supports a federal constitutional amendment that would essentially pre-empt a woman's choice."

The Post editorial makes another good point we haven't thought to raise before:

"Worse, by promising he will not seek a third term if re-elected this fall, Allard has marginalized even the miniscule political clout he has accumulated. In the Senate, committee assignments are based on seniority. By announcing he isn't interested in gaining more seniority, Allard has taken himself out of contention for choice committee assignments because the GOP leadership, understandably, will want to use plum posts to develop future leadership, not waste them on lawmakers who won't be around in a few years."

Again, please make a donation, and tell them TalkLeft sent you!

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