
'Disappearing' Americans

A Rocky Mountain News Editorial today takes the Government to task for its secretive detention policy on U.S. Citizens in American Citizens Shouldn't 'Disappear':

"...if the government is going to persist in holding U.S. citizens indefinitely as grand jury witnesses, the public has a right to hear, or at least read, the constitutional arguments about the statute."

"The newspapers aren't trying to spring Ujaama themselves; he has his own attorney for that job. What we're interested in are the larger questions of public access to judicial proceedings and the detention of a citizen without a public hearing. "

"Holding foreign nationals at Guantanamo who have fought the U.S. abroad is one thing; arresting a U.S. citizen in the U.S. and then indefinitely depriving him of his liberty when he hasn't been charged with a crime is something else. "

"Terrorism is a serious threat but it doesn't justify the government's attempt to deprive U.S. citizens of traditional constitutional rights. Our judicial system can survive even in the terrorist era. "

The News has a special interest in the case of James Ujaama. He was seized from his grandmother's house in Denver.

Here is more on Ujaama's case.

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