
The Trumps' New York Fraud Case: Trial on Monday?

A state appeals court in New York denied a request by the Trumps to continue the civil fraud trial set to begin Monday. The allegations include that Trump and Trump International and at least two of his children fraudulently lied to lenders and insurers by overvaluing their assets by billions of dollars. The original Complaint is here.

Trump has likely lost the case already, given the Court's grant of summary judgment on several counts last week. The judge also imposed monetary sanctions on his lawyers, for repeatedly making arguments it and higher courts had ruled frivolous. [More...]

The NY Attorney General requested the Court bar the Trumps, including Donald, Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka, from ever running a business in the state again.

Ms. James had sought to bar Mr. Trump from doing business in New York, in part by canceling certificates that allow his properties to operate there. Justice Engoron granted that punishment, which could have enormous repercussions for the Trump Organization.

For example, Mr. Trump could lose control of several properties, including Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan and a flagship commercial building at 40 Wall Street. His grip over his Westchester County golf club is also threatened. At one point in his order, Justice Engoron referred to the limited liability companies that he had shut down as “the canceled LLCs.”

I believe Trump has always inflated his financial worth, and that the Trump Organization has lost a lot of money under the so-called leadership of his sons. Legal fees, fines and monetary judgments may be the death knell of his political aspirations.

It's also possible that the revelations that emerge in this fraud trial dampen the enthusiasm of his underinformed, marginalized voting base as it becomes distinctly clear Trump has less than zero in common with them. If the donations dry up, Trump's planned candidacy may as well.

It seems to me that the support for Trump is a shell, a cover for their hatred of the Democrats and the faux-belief that Trump has the ability to wipe them out once and for all.

Nobody likes a con man. Very few voters will nod with approval as he repeatedly uses the Saudi's love for him as an excuse for inflating the value of his properties. Even the least intelligent among us are capable of understanding that if Trump can claim one of his properties is worth $200 million because a Saudi might buy it at that price because he's very popular in Saudi Arabia, then everybody else can use their own fantasy to apply to the worth of their own homes. (The list is endless: the man on the moon may buy my house and I know he loves me so much he'll pay 50 times what I'd get if I just listed it on Zillow").

It certainly won't help if co-defendants in his criminal cases decide they will cooperate and tell the Government's truth at trial because they can't afford the legal fees necessary to stay the course.

Donald Trump may go down with a bang rather than just fizzling out. I just don't see any other outcome. The real question is what will he use as an excuse to bow out: (1) his need to spend time on his legal cases, but don't fret, Ivanka or Donny Jr. will stand in for him in 2028 (2) a newly manufactured health crisis (3) he needs to spend more time with his family or (4) this country doesn't deserve him?

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    WaPo has a neat calculator (5.00 / 2) (#1)
    by leap2 on Thu Sep 28, 2023 at 10:25:21 PM EST
    to see how much your house would be worth if the Trump Org owned it. OMDog! My little stucco cottage would be worth 1.1 to $14 million, depending on which inflated properties he was using (Trump Tower, Merde a Lardo, golf courses, and so forth).

    This is slow death for FatNixon, but better (for us) than nothing. There is some pleasure in watching him go down by multiple small cutting.

    Other than paying higher insurance premiums, (none / 0) (#8)
    by Abdul Abulbul Amir on Fri Sep 29, 2023 at 06:49:41 PM EST

    Which is a negative, what benefit is there in overestimating the value of real estate?
