
Extra, Extra: Read All About It

DOJ has responded to citizen Donald Trump's request (available here) that a special master review the documents seized from Mar-a-Lago during the execution of the search warrant. Among other reasons, he says this is necessary to determine whether the documents contain matters that are subject to executive privilege.

You can read DOJ's response and view the attached exhibits here.

Don't miss the exhibits, especially Exhibit "F".

I'm still shaking my head at the first paragraph of Trump's motion, link above, which identifies him as "President" and claims he is the "clear frontrunner" for the Republican party nomination in 2024, and should he decide to run, the clear frontrunner in the 2024 general election.

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    Is that a hard drive (5.00 / 1) (#11)
    by Towanda on Wed Aug 31, 2022 at 12:07:34 PM EST
    at the top left of exhibit F? Looks like it. If so, with its proximity to classified documents, what is on it? Hmmmm.