
Jussie Smollet Gets 18 Months in Jail, Starting Now

A Chicago judge has sentenced actor Jussie Smollett to 150 days in jail, beginning immediately.

Jussie's reaction: He yelled out he's not suicidal and he's innocent. Shorter version: If he ends up dead like Jeffrey Epstein, it was not a suicide.

Smollett faced up to three years in prison for each of the five felony counts of disorderly conduct — the charge filed for lying to police — of which he was convicted. He was acquitted on a sixth count.

The Judge wasn't buying into any sympathy pleas from his supporters. In addition to the 5 months in jail, he will have to be on probation for 2 1/2 years, he has to pay $120k in restitution and a $25k fine. His grandmother told the judge that if he sends Jussie to prison, he should send her along with him. [More]

Several supporters spoke about worries that Smollett would be at risk in prison, specifically mentioning his race, sexual orientation and his family’s Jewish heritage.

The judge said he weighed all that into his decision.

But [Judge]Linn also excoriated Smollett as a narcissist and pronounced himself astounded by his actions given the actor’s multiracial family background and ties to social justice work.

“For you now to sit here, convicted of hoaxing, hate crimes ... the hypocrisy is just astounding,” Linn said.

This case has a long history. It was settled by the Cook's County District Attorney but she writes here, "mob justice" took over and Jesse was indicted and millions of dollars that could have been better spent elsewhere were wasted in pursuit of a criminal conviction.

The Judge also told Jussie,

"You turned your life upside down. You destroyed your life as you know it. There is nothing I can do to you today that will come close to the damage you've done to your own life."

I disagree. 5 months in jail followed by 2 1/2 years probation for a non-violent crime committed by someone with no prior criminal record, who likely will become a target if put in general population in the county jail, is excessive. And if threats result