
Trump Family Business Convicted on All Counts

The Trump Organization was convicted by a New York jury on all 17 counts of fraud (tax fraud and a scheme to defraud), conspiracy and falsifying business records.

Shorter version: The jury didn't believe Alan Weisselberg acted only for his own enrichment. They believed that he also acted to benefit the Trump Organization.

Remember Michael Cohen? I heard him on the car radio last week on MSNBC and he said what the Trump Org. and Weisselberg were doing is called "Grossing Up". He thought it was a theory that might appeal to the jury. In essence, by paying bonuses to Weisselberg and sons in real property, like apartments in Trump-owned buildings, instead of increasing their salaries on which the company would have to pay payroll taxes, the Trump Organization saved big on taxes. (Same for paying for private school tuition for the Weisselberg grandkids and for new expensive cars every year)[More...]

Prosecutors put the amount of the fraud at $1.6 million. Cohen made it sound like not only did Trump know, but that he probably authorized Weisselberg and sons to be paid extra on top of the bonus amount to compensate for the increased taxes they would have to pay. He said it was cheaper for the company to pay the Weisselbergs bonsuses, plus the amount of taxes the Weisselbergs would owe on the bonuses, than to raise their salaries and have the company be liable for the payroll taxes.

Not surprisingly, Trump reacted by calling it a witch hunt and criticizing Weisselberg, who many think lied his as* off so as not to incriminate Trump.

Cohen insists Donald knew all about it, just like he says Trump knew all about how the Stormy Daniels money was paid. I don't know whether Cohen is correct, but I remember watching Weisselberg's former daughter-in-law on the news when she said she turned all her books and records over to the grand jury, and she had a similar story. (Of course, she had just finished a bitter divorce, so again, who knows?)

Also not surprisingly, Trump Org's lawyers promised an appeal. While prosecutors may not be happy that Weisselberg didn't deliver the Trump clan, I think they will be satisfied enough with the conviction of the company that Weisselberg will get the 7 months he bargained for (or maybe less). And Weisselberg's sons are home free.