
Boebert v Frisch - Colorado's 3rd District

Update: 11/17 6:00 pm: Now there are only 500 votes separating Boebert and Frisch. Looks like there will be an automatic runoff recount. At noon, Boebert had 162,175, 50% and Frisch had 161,078, 50%. I think the question now is, if Boebert holds her 500 vote lead, will there be enough mistakes in the recount for Frisch to win?

Update: I hate being wrong. But it looks like Lauren Boebert will skip to the lou for another 2 years. She's now more than 1,000 votes ahead. Her lead in Mesa County (Grand Junction) alone is 11,000 votes.

So even though she loses Aspen (Pitkin), Vail (Eagle), Telluride (San Miguel) and Crested Butte (Gunnison) by a landslide, and she even loses Garfield County (Glenwood Springs) and Pueblo (which used to be a Democratic stronghold and is apparently much more mixed now) by several thousand votes, those voters all turn into chopped liver because they're outnumbered by the Biden-hating Trump lovers.

Update: CNN is using higher percentages for the votes already counted in Colorado -- almost all at 95%. The New York Times and NPR are using the percentages I did below.

****Original Post

I would love if Lauren Boebert lost to Adam Frisch. Then maybe she'll pick up her guns and go skip to her lou someplace where we don't hear from her again.

The final vote count may not be in for a few days. Colorado has a process for "curing" votes. And if the candidates are within .05% of each other, there's an automatic recount.


Right now she's ahead by 433 votes. But, here's the thing. Her red counties all have more than 95% of the vote counted. Adam's blue counties (where he is winning by a large margin) like Pueblo, Pitkin (Aspen) and Garfield (next door) to Aspen only have 90%, 80% and 90% of the votes counted. Adam is winning all three by a large margin.

If Frisch keeps his same percentage lead in Pitkin and Garfield, he can get hundreds more votes. Adding 20% and 10% to the vote totals for each county, and then giving each of them the same percentage points they have now in the counties, Adam would be ahead by about a thousand votes.

Pueblo: 68,311 votes counted, Adam leads 54