
The Prince and the Pauper: Separated at Birth?

For those of you following the most excellent adventures of Gamestop and Robinhood, does anyone else think these two look like they were separated at birth?

On the left: Vlad Tenev, CEO and Co-founder of Robinhood. On the right: Keith Gill, the self-described "normal guy" who reportedly drove the GameStop stock frenzy by posting on a Reddit forum called WallStreetBets.

Take away the tuxedo and the gypsy headband, making one look rich and the other look like a marginalized protester of something or other, I think these two look like they were separated at birth. The eye shape, the bump on the bridge of the nose, the thin upper lip and fuller bottom lip, the mustache and random spots of growth despite looking recently shaven, the chin, and the bob in the Adam's apple. Gill's eyebrows are a little fuller, but the arch is pretty much the same. Hair color, check. Hair length: check. [More...]

But they couldn't be more dissimilar. One co-owns a billion dollar company he and his buddy from college spent years creating and fine-tuning. They employ lots of people. They are financially educated. Their website provides educational resources to both customers and and non-customers on the stock market and trading.

The other photo belongs to a nobody working until recently from his mother's basement. Because he was unemployed, he got to be a stay at home dad to his young daughter. For some idiosyncratic reason, he began buying Gamestop shares in 2019 and like an itch he just had to scratch, couldn't stop buying them and refused to sell them. He created a You Tube channel (free for anyone who wants one) got a microphone and a headband, and started talking about investing in stocks.

For whatever reason, he picked up a following. (The headband? the gypsy look? Nostalgia for the Occupy Wall Street days? Who knows? He's certainly not my idea of a Pied Piper.) More importantly, he started posting on Reddit, a social media forum with visuals reminiscent of a bulletin board from 1998. Apparently, he became a "hit."

Now people are dumpling on Robinhood. Why? Because in order for them to finalize their customer's trades, they need the services of "clearing houses" and the ones they use have appropriate licenses and are found, guess where? On Wall Street. Which according to the critics, makes them hypocrites or liars.

I don't see it that way. And I'll admit up front that I don't know anything about investing in the stock market other than what I've learned defending people charged with financial fraud crimes. But how different is buying a stock from buying a house? If you've ever bought or sold a house you know there's someone else involved in the transaction besides the buyer, the seller, the realtor, the appraiser and the mortgage company. Who is it? The title company.

Without the title company working in the background to render its opinion that the seller's title is valid (and not encumbered by judgments or easements or other stumbling blocks), the sale can't go through.

Companies that facilitate stock trades like Robinhood or Charles Schwab or Ameritrade use clearing houses to say yea or nay to the stock transaction. The trading companies are like bookies -- they get the juice, not a piece of the pie. And if they aren't charging their customers to make trades, they have to get it somewhere else. I don't recall any of the trading companies claiming to be "non-profits".

So I don't get all the anger at Robinhood. I checked out their website for the first time the other night, in preparation for this post and was was impressed enough to open a free account. I'm not sure what I'll do with it since I don't own any stocks and they certainly seem more geared to Gen Z than baby boomers close to retirement age, but I think I could be persuaded to dip a toe in once or twice. How different is it than buying 10 lottery tickets when the jackpot is high? What could the return be on a $20 investment in a piece of a bitcoin or a 1/20 share of Apple? Come to think of it, the lottery odds are probably better.

As to short sales and options: As far as I'm concerned, anyone who doesn't take a few classes or educate themselves but instead takes advice from strangers on a social media forum deserves to lose their money. I think Robinhood is doing a good service by giving out free lessons.

My final thought: If every one would remember what they were told the first time they went to Las Vegas -- "only bet what you can afford to lose", the investment world would be a safer place. Las Vegas is not the place for someone hoping to make the money for their mother's cancer operation -- and neither is the stock market or options trading.

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    I don't get this (none / 0) (#1)
    by CaptHowdy on Tue Feb 02, 2021 at 07:41:48 AM EST
    I also know squat about investing.  It just seems like a different version of planting a virus to me.  No one seems to benefit in the long run?

    they are now trying to blow up the Silver Market.

    That seems like it could have far reaching effects.

    I have never heard an argument for doing this I could follow.  Vague stuff about sticking it to the man.  If anyone could provide one please do.

    I am all for killing the idea Wall Street in any way is reflective of the economy. If that's the goal it might be ok.  Or not.

    IMO (none / 0) (#2)
    by jmacWA on Tue Feb 02, 2021 at 08:44:00 AM EST
    They see this as a game.  A chance to bring down the 'Captains and the Kings'

    Robinhood is on the Chopping Block... (none / 0) (#3)
    by ScottW714 on Tue Feb 02, 2021 at 09:01:36 AM EST
    ...because they are only allowing people to buy a single share of GameStop, yet you can sell as many as you want.  They are artificially putting barriers to the market and Congress is investigating because these artificial limits aren't applying to anyone else.  While I don't know if it's technically illegal, it sure as hell isn't right.  If you are going to allow people to buy and sell stocks, you shouldn't be able to dictate which ones.

    From what I understand, the run on GameStop has hedge fund managers furious because they all predicted it to plummet so they shorted the stock and lost billions and now they are putting the screws to day trading companies like Robinhood and they are acquiescing without a fight.  Cowards.

    Reddit users exposed how artificial the market really is and now the powers that be, hedge fund managers, have been exposed for the frauds they are.  They have been making billions for decade doing the exact same thing only a little more discrete.  The runs and falls are market wide rather than a handful of Reddit users, but the results are the same, the valuation of a company isn't dependent on it's actual value, but it's perceived value which in an open market can be easily manipulated.

    Now they have their sight set-on silver.  Why not, the doom & gloomers on the right have been pushing gold for years and it's at absurd prices, not sure why people care if others do the same with silver.  I think the idea of a bunch of guys in their parents basements making millions by manipulating markets on Reddit scares the F out of a lot of people.  That is not how wealth is suppose to work.  You need a fine education and put in your dues before you are allowed to manipulated stock prices for profits.  I mean before you are allowed to make grand profits in the market using your fine education and years of experience.

    As a side note, a local guy was on the news the other night, his Robinhood balance was just over a millions dollars and his investments was $2500.  But... he was bragging about how he's not cashing in because he knows it's going up more.  That is the problem with markets and why people shouldn't invest their own money, greed.  The guy has made 40,000% profit and