
CNN Suspends Chris Cuomo Indefinitely for Advising Brother

CNN has suspended Chris Cuomo indefinitely, after a report was released this week with thousands of pages from the NYS Attorney General's investigation of sexual harrassment allegations against his brother, Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo. CNN released a statement saying it had given him a pass in August when the topic came up, but after the documents were released, it appears he had a greater role advising his brother than previously dislosed.

Chris' 348 page deposition is here. I'm on page 131 and haven't found anything objectionable yet.

I like watching Chris Cuomo. He's comfortable, like a favorite pair of slippers. He's polite to his guests, and he wears his feelings on his sleeve. He doesn't sound phony. Why wouldn't he give his brother the benefit of his thoughts? [More...]

I was glad to see Jeffrey Toobin return to CNN after his embroglio last year, so maybe CNN will decide Cuomo is too popular an anchor to just cut loose. If he needs journalist ethics training, why not give that to him and let him learn on the job?

If I were Chris, I grab some cheap international airline tickets the airlines are passing out as candy this week and take a month long vacation to St. Barts or the Virgin Islands. Sample fare: Denver to Medellin, Colombia is $228 round trip!

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