
More Capitol Riot Defendants are Forgoing Lawyers

We've always known that most non-millionaire Donald Trump supporters are marginalized and under-informed. (Just a nicer term for under-educated and/or stupid). So perhaps it's no surprise that many of those charged in the Capitol riots are now seeking to represent themselves, despite repeated warnings from the Judge that it's a bad idea, and despite being offered the services of court-appointed counsel.

U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth told one such defendant he hadn't seen a successful case of self-representation since he took the bench in 1987. New York Civil Rights Lawyer Ron Kuby says he hasn't seen a successful case of self-representation in his 40 years as a lawyer.

I say this all the time on TalkLeft, but I'll do it one more time: You have the right to remain silent. Use it or lose it. Our jails are filled with people who thought if they could only tell their side of the story, the police (or judge or jury) would see it their way. It rarely happens.

Many of these under-informed defendants think that if they represent themselves, they will be able to put the corrupt "system" on trial. It won't happen. The system is not on trial, you are. Judges, not defendants, decide what is admissible at a trial. Any hint of something that seeks jury nullification won't be permitted in federal court.

Normally, I would say if you want to change the system, start with lobbying Congress to change the laws. But that takes effort, thought and discipline starting with learning things like who your elected officials are.

I doubt many of the Trump supporters charged in the Capitol riots are willing to put in that kind of work. They would rather shout nonsense and attack Trump's opponents than do something productive to bring about whatever change they're seeking. Have they ever stopped to ask themselves what Donald Trump has done for them as individuals? Did he send them money for a rent check? Give them a job? Pay for their mother's hospital bill? Of course not. I hope that as part of their sentences, they are ordered to watch the Wizard of Oz so they can stop believing in false idols.

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