
CO Gov Jared Polis Signs Police Reform Bill

Thank you Governor Jared Polis for signing the much needed police reform bill SB20-217 into law.

[I]t includes sweeping changes sought for years by many lawmakers of color. It bans the fleeing felon rule, bans carotid and choke holds, gets rid of qualified immunity [in state lawsuits] for officers who acted unlawfully, requires law enforcement agencies put new use-of-force rules in effect by Sept. 1, requires all officers that interact with the public wear body or dash cameras by 2023, requires body camera video to be released within 45 days in excessive force cases, includes ... a duty for officers to intervene if another is using excessive force, and more.

This is a very sweeping bill that covers a lot of territory. It is available here.

The law authorizes civil rights actions to be brought against police in state court and states that police cannot raise qualified immunity as a defense in such cases.

It provides that police may not use tear gas or projectiles on citizens during protests.

It provides for bringing criminal charges against police who fail to intervene in excessive force cases.

As to profiling, it states police must have a legal basis to make a stop and imposes detailed reporting requirements on the police officer/department. Also, police who make such a stop must provide their business card to the stopped person and an instruction sheet on how to file a complaint.

Via Denver's Channel 7 News:

It bans the fleeing felony rule, bans carotid and choke holds, gets rid of qualified immunity for officers who acted unlawfully, require law enforcement agencies put new use-of-force rules in effect by Sept. 1, require all officers that interact with the public wear body or dash cameras by 2023, require body camera video to be released within 45 days in excessive force cases, changes to reporting for grand juries and district attorneys, a duty for officers to intervene if another is using excessive force, and more.

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