
Coronavirus Numbers in Colorado

Now that testing is available in Colorado (albeit limited and involving long waits), the Colorado Department of Public Health is reporting results online with updates every five minutes. Denver and Eagle County (Vail) each have 24 cases. Total for Colorado as of today, March 15, 2020: 131. One elderly woman at increased risk due to a history of pulmonary issues has died in El Paso County (Colorado Springs).

On March 13, 2020 there were 5 new cases. On March 14, 2020 there were 24 new cases. Today, there are 30 new cases confirmed by testing.

Here is a realtime updated map and infographic by the Colorado Department of Health and Public Safety. [More...]

There's also a notice to people who attended bridge game tournaments at the Colorado Springs Bridge Center from late February to early March that they may have been exposed to the virus. (The woman who died played there.)

The elderly at-risk group who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 are (same link):

  • Older people (over age 60), especially those over 80 years.
  • People who have chronic medical conditions like heart, lung, or kidney disease, or diabetes.
  • Older people with chronic medical conditions are at greatest risk.
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    From our ''Can't Fix Stupid'' file: (5.00 / 1) (#21)
    by Donald from Hawaii on Wed Mar 18, 2020 at 02:10:56 PM EST
    Raw Story | March 18, 2020
    One of the largest anti-vaxxer groups in the nation is gearing up to resist the eventual coronavirus vaccine - "The state of Texas has one of the largest anti-vaccine groups in the nation and they're not happy about Governor Greg Abbott's declaration of a state-wide emergency in response to the growing coronavirus outbreak. 'If they fast-track some vaccine for coronavirus, how are all of us going to defend ourselves?' a woman named Sarah posted in a local anti-vaccine Facebook group. 'I'll let them vaccinate my daughter over my dead body.'"

    So many "Oys," so little time.

    Last I looked.. (none / 0) (#1)
    by desertswine on Sun Mar 15, 2020 at 05:58:40 PM EST
    there are 17 cases of positive lacorona in New Mexico.  But they only tested some 590 people.  We went to the Botanic Garden today because it was so warm out.  The Garden was free, uncrowded, and showing signs of Spring.

    ... medical providers will first test for flu because we've actually had a fairly severe flu season thus far. Only if that result comes back negative, do they then test for the COVID-19 virus.

    That protocol may change fairly quickly, because the Hawaii Dept. of Health just announced the first case of local community COVID-19 transmission over in windward Oahu. That makes seven cases total statewide, three of which are tourists who flew out here infected but asymptomatic, and only got sick after they arrived.

    Stay safe.


    UPDATE: What a difference a few days make. (none / 0) (#36)
    by Donald from Hawaii on Thu Mar 19, 2020 at 07:49:29 PM EST
    We're quickly up to 33 COVID-19 cases in Hawaii, including ten more announced this afternoon - eight on Oahu and two on Maui.

    25 of the victims are out-of-state visitors who were likely infected back home but only got sick after arriving in the islands, seven are local residents who recently returned from out-of-state travel, and one is a Waikiki resident who works in the hospitality industry and has had extensive contact with tourists.

    Gov. David Ige has rightly issued a public statement urging visitors to reschedule their Hawaii trips for later in the year, since its now pretty clear that tourists have become a significant if inadvertent vector for transmission of the virus to the local population. Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell is going to announce later this afternoon that Waikiki Beach is closed - not Waikiki district, but the beach itself will now be now off-limits to everyone.

    This is going to be devastating to the islands' economy.


    Hotels to close in the Keys (none / 0) (#40)
    by ragebot on Fri Mar 20, 2020 at 12:21:50 AM EST
    Colorado is fifth highest (none / 0) (#2)
    by Towanda on Mon Mar 16, 2020 at 10:32:19 AM EST
    in the country for covid-19 cases.

    That's a new kind of Colorado high. Are people there not doing social distancing well?

    Maybe it's more (none / 0) (#3)
    by Ga6thDem on Mon Mar 16, 2020 at 02:00:51 PM EST
    due to the fact that they are doing actual testing and know their numbers versus Georgia that is only testing people that have the symptoms.

    Exactly. Numers everywhere will go up as testing (none / 0) (#6)
    by ruffian on Mon Mar 16, 2020 at 08:41:35 PM EST
    comes on line. That said...I saw lots of full parking lots over the weekend, plus a lot of the numbers are coming from the ski resorts. States with lots of tourists might see some spikes. Look out Florida.

    Lotsa ski resorts have already shut down. (none / 0) (#12)
    by sarcastic unnamed one on Tue Mar 17, 2020 at 12:02:10 PM EST
    Is your office set up so that you and others can work from home, if need be? Our COVID-19 numbers in Hawaii are low right now, with five patients testing positive on Oahu (three are tourists) and one on Maui, but that likely means that it hasn't quite washed over us yet. Anyway, in the absence of any state government directive ordering a shutdown, we're allowing people to work from home if they want.

    My eldest daughter in Honolulu is nine months pregnant with her third son and about two weeks overdue, so they are going to induce labor tomorrow morning. She called us up this weekend to tell us and sounded very agitated because of the heightened public health concerns, and her mother-in-law was (understandably) not able to come out from New York to help out as previously planned.

    So since public schools are already on spring break hiatus right now, my wife flew to Oahu last night to be with her and then watch the other two little guys (who are now four and two) while Mommy's in the hospital. I may try to go over there this weekend.


    We are dealing with the reverse (5.00 / 2) (#11)
    by Towanda on Tue Mar 17, 2020 at 10:20:21 AM EST
    of that, as my son and daughter-in-law gave me a gorgeous third grandchild a month ago. Daughter-in-law's parents came all the way from Australia to Chicago to stay for a month, which has been wonderful after a difficult pregnancy and childbirth and slow recovery. . . . but they now may stay for more than a month, with the sudden restrictions two days ago in New Zealand (where their flight from Chicago first lands) and Australia.

    They are trying to get answers, fast, to clarify the restrictions and make decisions. Fortunately, family Down Under are nearby to keep watching their house and garden.

    As for us, we got one visit with my  new grandgirl -- delayed for two weeks, while we dealt with exposure to Flu A and Flu B plus a bad cold -- and planned a return, but then came covid-19. So, now we get by with daily texts of adorable photos.


    UPDATE: Mother and baby are safe and sound. (5.00 / 4) (#16)
    by Donald from Hawaii on Tue Mar 17, 2020 at 07:46:36 PM EST
    Baby Michael was delivered by C-section this morning. Not too surprised, since her other two sons were likewise born by C-section. Per Grandma, he's a very healthy 9 lbs., 13 oz., but Mom's exhausted. They'll keep her in the hospital until at least Thursday, probably. So, all's well.

    Yay! (none / 0) (#56)
    by Towanda on Thu Mar 26, 2020 at 02:02:29 PM EST
    And the Australian in-laws finally found a flight on the last airline going there -- which, while they were in the air, grounded all flights there. Whew.

    Being stranded is exactly what I fear, ... (none / 0) (#14)
    by Donald from Hawaii on Tue Mar 17, 2020 at 01:43:54 PM EST
    ... even though Honolulu is only 250 miles from Hilo by air, and not anywhere near the 9,000+ miles between Australia and Chicago. But likewise, we have to fly to get there, and we're likely only days away from a Bay Area-like shelter-in-place order.

    I honestly don't want to be stuck in Honolulu for 30-45 days or more. My wife is presently needed on Oahu to assist the son-in-law with household duties and baby / child care until Mom gets back on her feet. I'm really not.

    Plus, we now have a small menagerie of three cats and a small mixed terrier dog -- one of the cats and the dog were abandoned refugees from Kilauea's 2018 fissure eruption in Leilani Estates -- that need to be fed and cared for. Younger Daughter is living up in Waimea, which is 60 miles northwest of Hilo. I can't impose on her with a 120-mile daily R/T drive.

    I have every confidence in everyone's respective abilities to weather the storm and get through this crisis, in spite of the White House Poseur and his coterie of courtiers.

    E malama pono.


    I have an office in Downtown Denver (none / 0) (#57)
    by Jeralyn on Sun Mar 29, 2020 at 05:43:01 PM EST
    where I meet with clients, get my mail, phone calls etc. I try to do my discovery review, research and drafting pleadings at home as it is quieter and more comfortable.

    Here's a location map for Colorado (none / 0) (#7)
    by ruffian on Mon Mar 16, 2020 at 08:47:38 PM EST
    Colorado COVID Map

    Looks like ski counties and most populous areas of the flatland have most cases so far.

    My Colorado corporate overlords finally came out (none / 0) (#9)
    by ruffian on Mon Mar 16, 2020 at 08:56:08 PM EST
    today with some clear direction and said they expect us to stay home if we can work from home at all. If not then make arrangements with management for what to do. Also no more meetings in conference rooms, and other social distancing guidance for the people that have to be there for whatever reason. The anxiety with no direction was really driving everyone crazier.

    Luckily I usually can work full time from home, I'll just get lonely with just me and the cats. Upside is I can take as many breaks as I want.

    I feel for people that can't do that though - I hope the company gives them a charge code they can use, or more flex time or something. With fewer people there hopefully the threat of getting anything is lessened.

    Only cats? (none / 0) (#10)
    by vml68 on Mon Mar 16, 2020 at 10:27:13 PM EST
    What happened to the pup?

    Thank you for remembering. very thoughtful! (5.00 / 1) (#18)
    by ruffian on Wed Mar 18, 2020 at 09:05:43 AM EST
    I have been thinking about you (none / 0) (#20)
    by vml68 on Wed Mar 18, 2020 at 12:16:35 PM EST
    (or more truthfully, a comment you made) these past few months.
    I can't remember when you said it, but a while back you mentioned that whenever your dogs got old, they got a bit barky. It struck me because my dogs seemed to get quieter and more mellow as they got older. You also mentioned that your dog had become blind and I thought at the time that maybe it had something to do with the barking.

    My spaniel turned 13 a month and a half ago and has always been a pretty quiet dog. But, in the past year or so, he has become a barker. Not enough water in his bowl, bark, shut the door when you are in the shower/toilet, bark, any noise, indoors or outdoors, bark,  even things like seeing the headlights of the neighbor's car through curtains!! (apparently, his eyesight is fine), sets him off. Maddening!


    That's funny (none / 0) (#24)
    by ruffian on Wed Mar 18, 2020 at 07:55:29 PM EST
    Maybe they just get less patient with us in their old age! The only thing that shut Ginger up was her seizure medicine, poor girl. She was barky when she was younger though too. It was mainly old Ocli who found his voice after 12. he was something else!

    You are right, I will get the next one at the right time. There is a great local rescue organization- I already have their calendar!


    Sadly I lost my Ginger a little over a year ago (none / 0) (#17)
    by ruffian on Wed Mar 18, 2020 at 09:04:58 AM EST
    She had a brain tumor that first took her vision and eventually resulted in seizures, and I had to let her go.

    Right after that I inherited these 2 cats from a friend lost to ALS. So it was a sad 6 months but I am glad to have the cats now. Not the right time to get another dog - although if the working from home becomes a permanent thing I will certainly consider it more seriously!


    I am sorry to hear about Ginger and about your (5.00 / 2) (#19)
    by vml68 on Wed Mar 18, 2020 at 11:30:53 AM EST
    friend. I hope you are doing well.

    There is a golden out there waiting for you when the time is right :-)


    Top of the morning Miss Hogan.. (none / 0) (#13)
    by desertswine on Tue Mar 17, 2020 at 12:48:57 PM EST
    We're up to 23 positive cases now with about 1300 people having been tested.  A percentage of those testing positive seemed the have traveled to NY recently, and also those who have been in close contact with them.  A good time to stay out of airplanes.

    I'm still (none / 0) (#15)
    by Ga6thDem on Tue Mar 17, 2020 at 06:38:50 PM EST
    waiting for the GA coronavirus bomb to explode. We have one of he busiest airports in the world. I know it has to be all over here and there's only 1 case from Eastpoint where the airport is location. Yeah, right. We've got cases in Polk County and nobody lives in Polk County.

    My fear (none / 0) (#22)
    by Ga6thDem on Wed Mar 18, 2020 at 03:53:01 PM EST
    at this point has gone beyond the virus to the fact that we might be furloughed from jobs with no income.

    I'm worried about (none / 0) (#23)
    by desertswine on Wed Mar 18, 2020 at 04:53:35 PM EST
    our pensions and soc security also.

    ... with the County of Hawaii (which is the entire Big Island) as the County Council's policy director, while my business partner became the Deputy Director of the Dept. of Community Services for the City and County of Honolulu. We were asked and we both felt an obligation to consider the requests, which we accepted.

    In retrospect, that turned out to be a very good move on our part personally because our consulting firm is now going on an extended hiatus for the duration of this crisis, and we'll both be on payroll as essential public employees in our respective counties.

    We're not laying off our two employees for now, because there's still firm-related work to do and we really don't have time to do it ourselves. But honestly, if this crisis lasts beyond August I don't know whether we could still afford to keep them on payroll. And that to me is a painful thing to consider as an employer.



    There has been one death (none / 0) (#26)
    by Chuck0 on Thu Mar 19, 2020 at 09:18:28 AM EST
    reported in PA from COVID-19. Two cases reported in my county.

    No money or credit cards to be taken on the turnpike. All the rest areas were closed, but they soon realized that wasn't feasible. Truck drivers gotta sleep and use the bathroom. I was a truck driver once, I was thinking about that. We needs goods to keep moving to restock the shelves, so truck drivers need a place to park need to be able to get something to eat. You can't do the drive thru in an 18 wheeler.

    We had our first (none / 0) (#27)
    by Zorba on Thu Mar 19, 2020 at 11:53:56 AM EST
    COVID-19 death in Maryland.

    I actually saw a comment on another site about truck drivers who cannot, with their trucks, go through drive-throughs, and most don't allow walk-ups.  The commenter was asking people who saw trucks parked at a fast food place, to offer to buy the driver some food.

    There are many ramifications of this that a lot of people don't even realize.

    Keep safe and healthy, everyone.  Hugs to all.


    Your mail (none / 0) (#28)
    by CaptHowdy on Thu Mar 19, 2020 at 11:55:48 AM EST
    Forgive me for spraying my mail with a bleach mixture I made.

    Or other deliveries.


    My mail? (none / 0) (#29)
    by Zorba on Thu Mar 19, 2020 at 02:05:40 PM EST
    Are you spraying our emails to you?  Because that may be a little hard on whatever electronics you're using to access emails. 😉

    USPS (5.00 / 1) (#33)
    by CaptHowdy on Thu Mar 19, 2020 at 03:39:45 PM EST