
NYTimes Passes Over Biden and Bernie. Picks Both Women

The New York Times has made its endorsements for Democratic candidate for President. It's picked two candidates, independently. (i.e., the Times is not suggesting a two women ticket). And those candidates are: Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren.

“There will be those dissatisfied that this page is not throwing its weight behind a single candidate, favoring centrists or progressives,” the board writes. “But it’s a fight the party itself has been itching to have” since Hillary Clinton’s defeat in 2016, “and one that should be played out in the public arena and in the privacy of the voting booth.”

.... “Ms. Klobuchar and Ms. Warren right now are the Democrats best equipped to lead that debate. May the best woman win.”

I agree. [More...]

Biden and Bernie have had their days in the sun. No amount of sunblock can erase their lines... or baggage. Biden thinks he's got the creds to be president, but really what he is America's most persistent crime warrior of the past 25 years, authoring almost every horrible piece of crime legislation that kept thousands (if not more) non-violent offenders in prison for decades. As I have opined here consistently for the past 18 years, I wouldn't vote for him for dogcatcher.

As for Bernie, he may have lit a fire under young potential voters, but his ideas are hardly revolutionary. I learned the same stances and values as a child from my parents, and they got them from their parents, who like Bernie, hailed from Brooklyn. Every relative I have known in my life shares these more-liberal-than-most values, especially my older sister. Bernie hasn't introduced any new ideas, he's capitalized on introducing them to new voters of different demographics than his own to whom they were new.

I'd be okay if Bernie were president. I'd just roll my eyes a lot at the lines he takes credit for that been around a few decades. And if Biden is elected? Easy: I'll move. But don't hold your breath, it won't happen.

I'm not quite ready to jumping on the Klobuchar train yet (if ever) because I have a feeling she is too far center right on crime issues or does not have much interest in them or knowledge about them. She seems focused on other topics. yell at his rallies.

You need to get involved. You need to do grass roots. Start at the bottom and go up. Pretend it's the mailroom of some famous talent agency you are working at (for free) because you just know you'll be running the place down in the not too distance future.

If you are worried about the ultimate nominee, and that we won't survive another four years under Trump (and really, what person with half a brain doesn't fear that way), you have two options: stay in bed with the covers over your head or get outside and into the streets and volunteer at Democratic headquaters to ensure that voter turnout is the highest ever and Donald Trump goes down with the biggest loss in presidential election history.

We get the Government we elect. These weeks that will be taken up with impeachment are a great time to start canvassing for your favorite candidate or accompanying them on the campaign trail to report back things the major papers didn't have time for.

If you think it's important your candidate win in Iowa, get a low fare there, the hotels are cheap, and ask the campaign how you can help. Or be independent, attend the caucuses and the candidates speeches there and report on them. I already served (2004, 2008 and 2012 as a credentialed blogger)and I'm done. But there's plenty of room for someone from the next generations to take my place.(I think my time is better spent researching permanent visas to Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador or Columbia.)

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    On the one hand (5.00 / 1) (#11)
    by CST on Mon Jan 20, 2020 at 09:33:09 AM EST
    It's kind of hilarious that the NYTimes couldn't pick a candidate.

    On the other hand neither can my aunt and she has the same top two.

    But we all know the candidates we don't like, just like the Times.

    at this point I've made over a thousand phone call (5.00 / 1) (#22)
    by kdm251 on Mon Jan 20, 2020 at 05:22:15 PM EST
    Been phone banking for a couple months now, I've talked to people that support almost every candidate, including one person that thought Pelosi was running and I have never heard someone say they support Klobuchar.  Seems that the Times endorsement elevated her, probably at the expense of Elizabeth Warren.