
Rudy Giuliani Drops to Less Than Zero

Rudy Guiliani has been acting like he has a few screws loose for a few years now. The only art he seems to have mastered is the art of speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

Nowhere is this more apparent than his remarks Sunday that there's nothing wrong with campaign officials accepting information from foreign nations. He even had the audacity to ponder aloud that maybe the hacking of DNC emails was a good thing because it alerted the country to Hillary's true nature.

Don't get sucked in. He's mimicking Donald Trump by trying to divert your attention from polls showing that Trump's approval ratings have sunk to their lowest level yet in the wake of the Mueller report.

And 68 percent said they were more likely to believe that the president or one of his cronies broke the law.

Donald Trump's most absurd claims come when he's about to face bad press -- it's his go-to diversion tactic. Rudy is just mimicking him.

There are 12 to 14 other federal and state criminal referrals from Mueller's office to other agencies who are considering whether Donald Trump, his children and others in his circle committed crimes. Some Dems are itching to start impeachment proceedings now. Diversion and distraction through outrageous comments is the new Trump game plan. I'm not playing Rudy's word games.

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    The only Sunday show I caught (none / 0) (#1)
    by CaptHowdy on Mon Apr 22, 2019 at 10:51:58 AM EST
    Was FOX.

    I was curious how they would deal with it.  Chris Wallace tried to interview him.  He really seemed to try.  But now I wonder if he meant to "seem to try"

    Because what happened is that Rudy just screamed over him for the entire thing.  Which I have noticed is the latest strategy from the MAGATs.  Any time you try to confront them with fact they just scream louder.

    Watching it I was kind of impressed with the questions Wallace seemed to be trying to ask.  Later I realized they would never have allowed a democrat to get away with that.

    It ended with Wallace telling him what a great lawyer he was and moving to Schiff with a banner


    The only (none / 0) (#2)
    by Ga6thDem on Mon Apr 22, 2019 at 11:00:13 AM EST
    thing I can come up with as their reasoning is they think their own supporters are either illiterate or too stupid to understand what is written in the Mueller report.

    They know their (5.00 / 3) (#3)
    by CaptHowdy on Mon Apr 22, 2019 at 11:05:01 AM EST
    Supporters don't give a shi+

    They know their supporters assume everything in the report is true and much more and they don't care.  Many love it.  Most even.   Owning the libs is all that matters.

    Rudy's only job is to give them ideas of what to scream at others when they are presented with facts.


    Yes, (5.00 / 4) (#4)
    by KeysDan on Mon Apr 22, 2019 at 11:27:02 AM EST
    and besides....both sides do it.  Just to illustrate, Obama wore a tan suit and even put his feet on the desk.  Hillary was over-prepared and, of course, Republicans did not like the way she emailed---sure she was exonerated, but not as beautiful a one as Trump's.

    I'm starting to think (none / 0) (#10)
    by CaptHowdy on Mon Apr 22, 2019 at 02:16:17 PM EST
    They might have to at least move to "hearings with an eye to impeachment" or something.

    When you have the presidents so called lawyer saying accepting stolen data from a foreign adversary on tv over and over is "ok" it starts looking like something needs to be done.  Simply for national security reasons.

    That said, I'm pretty confident that's exactly why he said it.  I think they think impeachment would help them.

    And I think it would.

    I guess the questions becomes is it possible given 18 months to hurt them more than help them.

    That's above my pay grade.  I trust Nancy.


    After (5.00 / 4) (#11)
    by FlJoe on Mon Apr 22, 2019 at 03:06:43 PM EST
    the whole weekend of punditry, personal research and
    much naval gazing, I still remain totally dead center on the fence about this one.

    If I had any trust in the media I would be all in on impeachment but you know how that goes.

    Not matter how much an impeachment proceeding  is based on the Constitution, facts and rule of law matters the narrative will surely turn into a WWE style partisan battle royale, tRumps' turf.

    I like the idea of "hearings with an eye toward impeachment. I read some comment somewhere to the effect "now we've read the book, can't wait to see the movie"

    I think the Democrats should produce that movie, or more specifically a series, which done right will captivate the public and allow them as the show-runners be more able to control the narrative.

    McGhan, Barr, Sessions, Priebus, Bannon and many many more dragged into to spotlight just having to repeat what they told Mueller will be a constant carpet bombing on tRump's positions and hopefully sooner rather than later will have the American people clamoring for impeachment.... then drop the hammer.

    It's all reality TV now.


    Yes, I, too, believe (none / 0) (#12)
    by KeysDan on Mon Apr 22, 2019 at 03:43:42 PM EST
    that impeachment hearings are now necessary, and, maybe, such hearings need to be stated as "hearings for purposes of the possible impeachment by the House of Donald J. Trump."  

    And, the hearings need to be, to the extent possible, open and televised. The open hearing by Michael Cohen was devastating, but the effect was fleeting.  Sustained hearings with multiple witnesses may be persuasive, at least to the idea, that the president is not above the law.

     And, the House investigating for impeachment is Constitutional and will better withstand Court challenges (e.g., Trump's lawsuit to prohibit release of tax returns).

    The Mueller Report is (a) redacted and may spell out additional concerns, and (b) absent any counter-intelligence matters that were a part of the initial FBI investigation. Did Trump obstruct not only the investigation into his possible crimes, but also, halt the analysis of his ties to Putin?  Or as a favor to Putin? (cf. Helsinki)