
Shepard Smith Leaves Fox News

I have liked Shepard Smith and his reporting since the mid-nineties when I used to appear on Fox News shows he hosted. I always found him "fair and balanced." The last time I saw him was in 2007 at the bar in the Des Moines hotel where the media (from every network) as well as the Clintons and a few bloggers were staying during the primaries. Whenever I channel surf on Sirius in the car, if he's on, I listen to his show. Between the hint of his southern drawl and the stories he chooses to focus on, I'm never disappointed.

Yesterday, he unexpectedly ended his show with the news it would be his last show. He asked to be let of his contract, and after some negotiating (which likely cost him millions), Fox agreed.

Due to a non-compete clause in his contract, we won't be seeing him reporting anywhere else for a while. That's too bad, as I really enjoy listening to him. But hopefully he'll be back as soon as he can.

Good Luck, Shep, in whatever venture you choose next.

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    You have to wonder (none / 0) (#1)
    by CaptHowdy on Sun Oct 13, 2019 at 08:44:48 AM EST
    If there was more with the meeting the previous day between Barr and Rupert.

    Maybe he asked to leave because he was being asked to do or say things he did not believe.

    FOX NEWS Sunday was not a good hour for Trump.  They managed to squeeze in between all the horrible