
Report: Body of Suicide Bomber Found at Manchester Arena

19 people are dead and at least 50 were injured when an explosion occurred at the end of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK. Police are treating it as a terrorist incident. Ariana had just finished her set and had just left the stage when the explosion occurred.

The Greater Manchester Police twitter feed with updates is here.

There are no clues yet as to who is responsible. While ISIS is an obvious possibility, it could also be al Qaida (Osama bin Laden's son Hamza bin Laden released an audio message this month calling for attacks in the west as did AQAP in Yemen. [More...]

The Department of Homeland Security has issued a press release, stating in part:

At this time, we have no information to indicate a specific credible threat involving music venues in the United States. However, the public may experience increased security in and around public places and events as officials take additional precautions.

The head of the Manchester Police would not say at the latest press conference if anyone has been arrested. But NBC News is reporting the body of a suicide bomber was found at the scene and has been tentatively identified:

From NBC:

Multiple senior U.S. law enforcement officials briefed by British authorities told NBC News that forensic evidence at the scene — including a body found at the blast site — indicated a suicide attack. British and U.S. law enforcement officials said they believed they had tentatively identified the bomber.

In the 9th issue of ISIS' recent Rumiyah 9, an English Magazine (no link, but I saved a copy when it came out) there was an article on terror tactics and hostage taking. It included this:

Ideal target locations for hostage-taki